
sth terrible must have happened to jason,  kevin and scotty gonna have sex next episode, terrific


原帖由 蜀国大将008 于 2007-11-17 16:05 发表


我好像记得 第一季 里面 saul 很动情的跟 holly harper表白 问她为什么 选择 walker, bla bla bla, 现在又说自己 是 同志 了,简直 让人受不了 ,i  always say, you can have sex experiences of men and women BUT choose a  side  and  stick  fucking  to  it!!! bisexual is a fucking natural cheater .  i  hate  to guts  these  fucking creatures.   

that is why i didnt like Drew in qaf in the first place, though he is smoking hot. he is married and fucking emmett at the same time. he gets better later, comes out and becomes friends with emmett. sorry,  out of the  topic.跑题了


i  suddenly think of what will said in W&G. bi is just a non-stop train to gay (sth like that, if i heard it right). i laughed for quite a long time and if you are gay you probably laughed too. it makes sense if you know what i mean. sorry, 跑题again:s31


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