[Gale] Gale参演CW剧集The Secret Circle【5.10大结局|第二季取消P25|Gale答粉丝问P21】

本帖最后由 cora 于 2012-5-15 10:52 编辑


第22集(全剧终) 第21集
第20集 第19集 第18集(没有Charles) 第17集 第16集(没有Charles)
第15集 第14集(没有Charles) 第13集 第12集 第11集(没有Charles)
第10集 第9集 第8集 第7集(没有Charles戏份) 第6集
第5集 第4集(没有Charles戏份) 第3集 第2集 第1集

2012年5月12日: 秘社第二季消息(中文翻译)(P25#601)
2011年10月Gale Harold专访by EW-全文选译(P15#351)
2011年9月10日CW Premiere Party(P12#276)
2011年8月Gale Harold专访by Eonline-中文翻译(P6#126)
2011年8月4日TCA Summer Press Tour(P5#101)
2011年5月19日CW Upfront(P3#53)


第二季消息在本帖25页,由于有严重剧透,建议在观看完大结局后再收看: 第二季消息




2012年4月28日更新第21集片段 - Charles & Diana:


图片来源: http://www.ksitetv.com/secret-ci ... ages/13861?pid=8448

http://www.tv.com/news/the-secre ... does-of-pain-28479/



"I'll bury you." {:3_206:} {:3_292:}


编剧Andrew Miller推的一张后期特效照片:
A 30 foot tall Gale Harold being awesome. http://t.co/pGlv2Bjw - Andrew Miller (@MillerLoLife) April 18, 2012

另:CW的联络记者Suzanne Gomez (@Chico6)很快会跟Gale作个电话访问:
Gale Harold peeps! Putting him on the phn tmrw w/some of ur favorite journalists so keep an eye out 4 stories! Anything u wnt me 2 tell him?



除了风光旖旎的加拿大,你还看到了神马... XD

照片来自制片人Andrew Miller相册:http://a.yfrog.com/img876/6128/6n6jd.jpg


背面也能杀人 - 这是制片人Andrew Miller照的 "standing in Gale Harold's handsome shadow" (就是之前爆料说Gale拿佳得乐来玩了那位)

还有一张美背照 (谢谢zhuanyong20101分享):






Chevron One网站的Jennifer Griffin采访了Gale,关于他在<The Secret Circle/秘社>里面的角色Charles Meade在故事里的发展,还有让Gale回答了一些粉丝的问题,关键词有德国科隆、舞台剧、帽子、温哥华、旅游:PP{:3_255:}
原文地址: http://www.chevronone.com/interv ... t-with-chevron-one/
中文选译: 本贴第21页501楼(点击进入)


第一季片花三: Casting a spell - 如果可以拥有一项巫术,你会想要什么呢?
Behind The Magic - Casting a spell

猜猜Gale/Charles想要啥{:3_207:} 你是多想要mind control人家啊...


第一季片花二: Turning Points - 各位演员讲述自己角色经历的转折点
Behind The Magic - Turning Points

"When you drowned a teenager and you’re looking at them in the eye and it’s one of your daughter’s good friends, it’s a very troubling moment, even worse than burning someone’s house down with them still inside. I know it’s hard to choose, you burn somebody down, you drown somebody, eh, I don’t know, but no, the drowning, yeah, that was, um, that was not pleasant." - Gale Harold



第一季片花一: A Piece of Advice - 各位演员给自己的角色一点小建议
Behind the Magic – Some Good Advice

"If I was gonna give Charles a piece of advice? Pay attention...times a million. There's a bunch of thins going on that don't track." - Gale Harold



【2012年首次正式场合活动】2月9日Gale在洛杉矶The Grove购物中心接受ExtraTV访问,并给到现场的粉丝派送TSC的T恤:P 活动的照片和视频可以在这个帖子看:https://www.qafone.cc/viewthread.php?tid=157226



Suzanne Gomez在推特上(@Chico6)发了一张Gale/Charles的近照,说本周这一集大家就会看到Charles新发型:P


The Secret Circle's Gale Harold Reveals 7 Spoilers for Rest of Season: 全文中文翻译





2012年1月13日更新CW Calendar: Charles Meade!

"This time I do what I want." -- Charles Meade



2012年1月5日更新TV Guide超超超大图杂志内页<5 Reasons We Love Gale Harold>, TSC今日回归!!{:3_155:}



2011年12月23日更新第10集'Darkness'剧照,超帅的Charles Meade祝大家平安夜及圣诞节快乐{:3_227:} :



2011年11月28日更新 Gale和Yara感恩节到导演Chris Grismer家作客
Christopher Grismer曾担任<Queer as Folk>311,403以及505的导演;他将执导<The Secret Circle>第10集'Darkness'。


照片来源: http://www.mobypicture.com/user/Chrisgrismer/view/11342573

CW为今晚播出的第9集Balcoin举行了一个半季结局篇试映会,执行制片人Andrew Miller和Gale都参加了此次试映会: http://www.examiner.com/tv-insid ... all-finale-spoilers


更多图片在本贴第19页451楼: https://www.qafone.cc/redirect.p ... =140023&pid=7292430



由导演兼摄影师Christopher Grismer拍摄。图片摄于2011年11月4日加拿大温哥华。
Christopher Grismer曾担任<Queer as Folk>311,403以及505的导演;他将执导<The Secret Circle>第10集。Chris的摄影集地址: http://www.flickr.com/photos/69473655@N08/


剧照来源: http://www.ksitetv.com/9556/secr ... in-images/?pid=4023

第8集片段抢先看 - Charles和Dawn之间的势力逆转: http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/11/0 ... charles-dawn-video/


剧照大图: http://photos.thesecretcirclefan.com/thumbnails.php?album=175

Gale接受EW采访,Gale深度解读了Charles这个角色,其中也提到了Brian Kinney。
全文选译(第15页351楼): https://www.qafone.cc/viewthread.php?tid=140023&page=15


Charles Meade大巫师要念咒施法了{:3_254:}



http://www.ksitetv.com/8377/the- ... -title-description/
Completely unaware of the new danger encroaching on their children, Dawn (Natasha Henstridge) joins Charles (Gale Harold) aboard his boat to further their plans for the Circle, but is surprised to find that Charles may have more than business on his mind.




2011年9月15日正式开播~~预先祝愿收视大捷!{:3_227:} {:3_227:}


3分05秒: 人家就是喜欢靠在椅子上懒洋洋地跟你说:"I play Charles Meade..."{:3_254:}

视频来源: http://cwtv.com/cw-video/the-sec ... 4-8ce8-8654f206f0ff

苹果iTune官方网站提前发布了第1集: http://itunes.apple.com/us/tv-se ... eason-1/id457170864
480p清晰完整版下载地址: http://115.com/file/aqv85r3s (无字幕)

终于等到啦{:3_155:} {:3_155:}

在下载的期间,可以看看pilot的Final Trailer解解馋~1080p超高清五分钟预告片:{:3_298:}

The Secret Circle每集剧情预告(更新中): https://www.qafone.cc/viewthread.php?tid=140023&page=14


2011年9月11日更新CW Premiere Party :
2011年9月10日在加州Burbank市(洛杉矶市东北部),由Bing, Warner Bros. Studios在加州Burbank联合举办的CW首映派对:

派对上每位来宾都会有每部CW秋季新剧的宣传卡片(promo card): (下图为扫描版)

CW Premiere Party更多图片在本贴第12页276楼: 2011 CW Premiere Party

另: <The Secret Cirle>的明星编剧发推-特说他正在写歌词,然后Gale也有份帮忙噢{:3_254:} :




图片来源: http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsid ... ok-magnificent.html

2011年9月3日更新TV Guide访问(摄制于2011年8月4日TCA Summer Press Tour) :


2011年9月2日更新官方造型照{:3_213:} :

超大图地址: http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/g7sa8lhl9v7f3dlbk5hb963d6ly7ce1m

<The Secret Circle>官网上也放上了Gale的简历: http://www.cwtv.com/shows/the-secret-circle/cast/gale-harold

2011年8月12日首款造型海报曝光 - 男巫终炼成{:3_275:}  :

I'm always thinking of myself as a warlock; I like the word. Warlock. -- Gale Harold


Gale在温哥华的街拍特集移至本贴第9页201楼: ❤Gale的街拍特集❤

2011年8月8日更新Entertainment Weekly采访:

视频地址: http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/08/0 ... o-fan-anticipation/




全文中文翻译在本贴第六页126楼: Eonline中文翻译

原视频地址: http://www.eonline.com/news/watc ... comes_secret/256342


注意看Gale的鞋,好多在场记者都有称赞他的鞋好有taste(估计他美死了),他还告诉人家那是Serbian的 XD

麦克风线真好玩 真的

背面也能杀人 - 这是制片人Andrew Miller照的 "standing in Gale Harold's handsome shadow" (就是之前爆料说Gale拿佳得乐来玩了那位)

2011年TCA Summer Press Tour的主要图片在本帖第五页第101楼: 点击进入图片合集

http://jimhalterman.com/news/tca ... rold-thomas-dekker/
http://galedevotee.wordpress.com ... le-at-cw-tca-party/

TCA Press Tour上的采访合集-文字/图片:
1. http://www.buzzsugar.com/Secret-Circle-TV-Show-Details-18596597
Gale Harold is the show's villain, Charles Meade, but he was cagey about what the character's motivations are, saying that there was no clear answer and that Charles "is not even sure what he's up to." He was pretty clear, however, about the fact that Charles is a big bad man, because he's "not just the bad guy, but a very bad guy who's supposed to be a good person."

2. http://www.examiner.com/tv-insid ... eview-secret-circle
Harold pointed out that "Charles [will] always be looking over his shoulder and...into people's eyes to see what they understand about him." And if someone finds out the truth? Well, Williamson's shows are known for killing off regulars, so maybe these guys shouldn't get too comfortable just yet!

3. http://www.afterelton.com/tv/201 ... ircle-thomas-dekker
"How about medium-generationers?" she suggested, still laughing. "What's funny, though, is that we had a cast dinner, and when I saw (42-year-old co-star) Gale Harold, I thought he was one of the high school kids! Everybody's, like, 'You can't have a daughter in high school!' But, apparently, the story goes that they all had kids when they were 15 or 16-years-old. I can live with that."

同剧组的Natasha说,"在第一次演员聚餐上见到Gale的时候,我以为他是演高中生的呢! 大家都说,'你哪像一个高中生的爸爸啊!' 不过故事里面家长们都是15,16岁就有小孩,也算说得过去了。"
4. http://www.oregonlive.com/movies ... inger_paul_mcc.html
"The easiest explanation is there's not a clear explanation," said Harold, sounding cagey. In terms of the town, he's a fine, upstanding man and a good father, he said. But there's more than meets the eye...

"The easiest explanation is there's not a clear explanation." -- 大风金句

5. http://www.ksitetv.com/7477/from ... t-circle-character/
One of the first questions explicitly pointed at Gale is if he could explain his character's motivations, and whether or not he's good or evil.

"The easiest explanation is that there's not a clear explanation, he said. "And I'm not sure if he is even sure of what he's up to.  I think he's very, very drawn to bringing back something that he thought he had his hands on when he was younger.  But the way that it's structured, he needs this new generation to come and bind.  And through that I think that my character Charles and Natasha's character Dawn will utilize that.  But I think in terms of the genre, what's interesting about him is that he has ‑‑ he kind of has to make sure that everyone around him who may or may not know what's going on assumes that he's just an upstanding, nice man and a good father while playing the double all the time, which is what's very interesting about the part, because it's not just a bad guy.  It's a very bad guy who seems to be a very good person and uses that any way he can."

Charles Meade will have to put on a front and seem like a nice guy to most of the people in Chance Harbor, as it is a small town. "I think, for Charles, for my character, it's going to be pivotal to maintain that veil, right?" he asked. "I think he's always going to be looking over his shoulder and looking through people's windows and trying to look into their eyes and see what they understand about what he's saying to them.  A small town is good because there's gossip ‑‑ right? ‑‑ and there's history, and everybody has their own story of what everything means, and they can develop their own versions.  So it's very, very ‑‑ it's very, very treacherous to even walk around the corner ‑‑ right? ‑‑ besides my life at home.  I have a daughter who is in high school.  So I've got to be really, really, really careful.  I think that that's hopefully going to be part of the tension is it's got to be obvious, right?  Somebody has got to know, and we are going to find out who they are and what they know and maybe what I have to do to shut them up...."

Gale Harold was then interrupted and told "But you can't kill everybody in the show."

"You don't know that!" he teased.

6. zap2it的Carina MacKenzie (上次在绿地毯被Gale逗得无招架之力的女记者)这次又采访Gale了:

后来Carina推了这张图,估计是采访Gale的时候其他人拍到的。是访问要挤到午餐时候来做......还是长腿锅锅太爱吃,访问的时候也不停嘴呢 XD
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsid ... d-good-vs-evil.html

2011年8月4日,Gale将会参加2011 TCA Summer Press Tour (美国电视评论协会夏季巡回会)的CW专场。这是在8月3日的CW TCA Party上:

更多CW TCA Party照片在本贴第5页: 点击进入

首张官方剧照: (http://www.ksitetv.com/7418/new- ... et-circle/?pid=1748)



预告片集中贴(第2页29楼): https://www.qafone.cc/redirect.p ... =140023&pid=6182564




消息来源: 编剧兼制片人Andrew Miller推-特


还记得在预告片里面被Charles(Gale)狠狠惩罚的长舌酒鬼么? 他其实是Queer as Folk第五季里面饰演Rage的Adam J. Harrington{:3_294:} (Gale和Rage的狭路相逢)
最近Adam在一篇访问中提到<The Secret Circle>和Gale:

"The pilot was great," he says. "The cast is phenomenal. I'm very excited to be involved with it. I haven't been involved with something like this before. It’s a combination of drama and mystery and … I don't know if you'd call it science fiction or not but definitely the Occult.  I get to work with the wonderfully talented Gale Harold who plays my arch nemesis, Charles Meade.  Our history goes back to when we were teenagers in the series so it's quite fun to play off of him.  As the series rolls on you'll see what has happened that's given us so much history and why we're so at odds with each other.

Gale很棒,他饰演我的对手Charles Meade。我们两个的角色是老对手了,从高中开始就是对头。剧情开展之后你们就会看到这两个男人是如何成为宿敌的。

访问原文: http://chevronone.com/interviews ... th-adam-harrington/



The Secret Circle 正式预告片(六分钟加长版):

这个预告片里面Gale有不少镜头,被评论为"scene-stealer"{:3_260:} :

玩火柴的大男孩{:3_208:} 看来是个大坏蛋...


2011年5月19日,Gale在纽约参加CW电视台Upfront,与<The Secret Circle>其他演员一起走绿地毯:

绿地毯更多图片和访问已移至第3页53楼: 点击进入


图片来源: http://photos.thesecretcirclefan.com/thumbnails.php?album=72


绿地毯访问: Gale Harold gets devious on screen and off/Gale Harold越来越邪恶了{:5_330:}



记者: 不拍戏的空档你都做些什么啊?
Gale: 建一架太空飞船。
记者: 真的吗? 我也是耶。
Gale: 是噢? 你去哪?
记者: 火星。
Gale: 闷骚啦。
记者: 那你去哪?
Gale: 木星。

绿地毯访问英文译稿: 点击进入



超清神游视频{:3_254:} 这个视频里面Gale没有发言(或被剪辑掉了),所以他只负责走神{:3_248:}


继Hellcats之后,Gale会参与另外一部CW新剧<The Secret Circle>的拍摄。

1. -Gale Harold, who has been recurring on the CW's Hellcats this season, has joined another CW project, drama pilot The Secret Circle. Co-written by Kevin Williamson, it centers on Cassie (Britt Robertson), who moves to a new town and discovers that not only is she a witch and part of a secret coven, but she’s also the key that will unlock a centuries-old battle of good versus evil. Harold, repped by Gersh and Principal, will play Thomas Meade, the father of Diane, the head of the witch circle and Cassie's friend.
2. -SECRET CIRCLE (The CW) - Gale Harold ("Hellcats") has been cast in the drama pilot, about Cassie Blake (Britt Robertson), a California teen who moves to her mom's hometown of New Salem, Maine and discovers that she comes from a family of witches. He'll play Thomas Meade ("an attractive man; piercing eyes; pale skin; eerie beautiful"), Diane's (Shelley Hennig) father, who along with Vice Principal Dawn Chamberlain (Natasha Henstridge) take a unique interest in Cassie. Jessica Parker Kennedy, Louis Hunter, Phoebe Tonkin and Thomas Dekker also star in the CBS Television Studios/Warner Bros. Television-based hour, from writer Andrew Miller and director Liz Friedlander.
3. -The CW is currently casting for Secret Circle, based on the books by Vampire Diaries creator L.J. Smith. Now KSiteTV has learned of another role being cast for the pilot by the name of Thomas Meade.
It's not a lot of information, but it reveals something about this character, who sounds like he may be a bit of a villain in this series.
Thomas doesn't approve that Ethan Conant, who we're assuming is a member of one of the families of witches, drinks a lot; and when he drinks a lot, he talks a lot. He confronts Ethan at the Boathouse Bar & Grill and has a rather lethal way of dealing with his displeasure of Ethan's behavior.
Thomas knows and interacts with Dawn.
@TVDFansOnline speculated on Twitter that he is Diana's father; considering they seem to share a last name, that's probably a very good guess. Again, my lack of Secret Circle knowledge is showing. (Sorry!)

消息来源: 1.- http://www.deadline.com/2011/03/ ... broadcast-pilots-2/
2. - http://www.thefutoncritic.com/ne ... rch-25-203201/9195/
3. - http://www.ksitetv.com/5372/anot ... cter-detail-thomas/

Secret Circle改编自吸血鬼日记(Vampire Diaries)的编剧L.J. Smith的原著小说。

女主角Cassie发现自己是个女巫,并且被牵涉到一场善良与邪恶的世纪大战中。Gale饰演女主角好朋友Diane的爸爸Thomas Meade,是一个美丽的男人,拥有苍白皮肤和诡魅双眼。剧中他和另外一个角色将会紧盯着Cassie。Thomas Meade看来是个坏角色,他会用残酷的方法来对付他不待见的人,例如女巫部落中的长舌酒鬼。



  • sandy_6836

  • hpl

回复 2# junjustin


更新了~请对号入座面壁去{:3_206:}PS 特别是说Gale没演过爸爸的...让Gus情何以堪{:3_284:}


回复 19# hpl
嗯 是挺漂亮的{:3_293:}


本帖最后由 cora 于 2012-3-30 15:36 编辑

<The Secret Circle>小预告片集中贴:







第一季第2集"Bound"高清20秒预告片,一闪而过的Gale你看到了吗{:3_276:} 停在第10秒仔细瞧瞧(从楼梯上走走下来那个):P






7月21-24日在美国圣地亚哥举行的2011动漫大会(Comic-Con)上播出的The Secret Circle最新预告片:



The Secret Circle首支宣传预告片:(据说Gale有一闪而过......你看到了吗{:5_315:} )


CW upfront最新照片帅死啦~~~{:5_315:}



本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-11-11 14:54 编辑

2011年5月19日,Gale在纽约参加CW电视台Upfront,与<The Secret Circle>其他演员一起走绿地毯:






oh~ 舞台还是你的

绿地毯访问: Gale Harold gets devious on screen and off/Gale Harold越来越邪恶了{:5_330:}


Interviewer: So tell me a little bit about your character. It seems like he’s sortof really different from anyone you’ve played before.

Gale: Uhh. People that cast… borderline… fatal spells… they’re different… right? They act normal. (stares at interviewer) … you feel weird right now?

Interviewer: A little uncomfortable!

Gale: So, that’s what I’m saying.

Interviewer: Um, you don’t seem like you’re old enough to be playing anybody’s dad. Are you kind of weirded out by being the grown-up on the show?

Gale: I have seven thousand children.

Interviewer: Really?

Gale: Yes.

Interviewer: All over the world, or just here in Vancouver? How busy were you?

Gale: We’re not in Vancouver right now… this is New York City.

But yes. To all of those questions.

Interviewer: Um… tell me a little about your character, I know that he has his own sort of history with his own coven. What are we gonna see – are there a lot of secret that are going to come out, what’s his role here?

Gale: What do you mean by secrets?

Interviewer: You’re making this really hard on me.

Gale: Yeah. That’s my job! There’s going to be a lot of secrets… and… there’s gonna be some gang wars.

Interviewer: Ooh. We like that.

Gale: (looking around) Is someone trying to steal my wat-ah?

Interviewer: Um. So I hear that your character, I know he’s a witch -

Gale: Everything you’re saying sounds like a rumour… ‘I hear this… I hear that…’

Interviewer: Well I wasn’t on set, so…

Gale: Alright, go ahead. Alright.

Interviewer: So he’s a witch. Tell me about working with all of the supernatural stuff. Have you ever done that before, like have you ever played a supernatural character?

Gale: Ummmm. Yeah.

Interviewer: Is it fun? I mean, is that something that appeals to you a lot?

Gale: It’s really really painful… But you get over it.

Interviewer: Um. What have you been up to inbetween- I know you guys wrapped Hellcats a while ago, did
you just shoot this pilot or have you been working on other stuff in the middle?

Gale: I built my own rocketship.

Interviewer: Really? So did I! We should do that together.

Gale: Really! Where are you going?

Interviewer: Mars, y’know, see what’s next.

Gale: Really? That’s boring.

Interviewer: Where are you off to?

Gale: Jupiter.

Interviewer: Oh. Yeah. Um I’m taking baby steps, what can I say?

Gale: That’s cool. You know, the Russians used to put mannekins in their rockets so the dogs wouldn’t freak out thinking there were no people in there with them.

Interviewer: Is this a conspiracy theory?

Gale: Nope.

Interviewer: All facts?

Gale: Look it up. Soviet space developments.

Interviewer: Um. Hellcats unfortunatley is no longer. Um, you had some crazy stuff going on there with Marti, did you expect it to go in that direction?

Gale: Yeah.

Interviewer: Really?

Gale: Yeah. I mean it’s a very classic Southern thing y’know. They fell in love and they weren’t allowed to…

Interviewer: Is it really?

Gale: Oh yeah. Are you kiddin’?

Interviewer: Um. I got some Twitter questions from your fans… and my favourite one that someone sent me – she wanted to know if you could have dinner with any of the characters you’ve ever played, which one would you have dinner with, and why?

Gale: Valentine Xavier. And because he actually went to hell… and came back.

Interviewer: Wondering what… that’s like?

Gale: Who isn’t, right?

Interviewer: Yep…

Gale: And I don’t mean the hell you’re thinking about.

Interviewer: No?

Gale: Well, maybe. Hades…

Interviewer: What’s it like working with Kevin Williamson, he’s sort of an icon…

Gale: He is an icon. But he’s very, very open and very sharing with what the undercurrents of
these characters are gonna be – which is good. Because when you come into something and you really don’t know where it’s gonna go, and you have to play it all straight, right? You wanna have a little bit of… a morsel, here and there. But I think – I mean, obviously the guy can go dark, right? And that’s what is exciting to me.

Interviewer: Do you think you’ll have some input into the character? You want it to go as dark as he can get, huh?

Gale: Um. Yeah. I mean, I would love to actually turn inside out. Right. You know?

Interviewer: That would be new!

Gale: Well. What’s that guy… he lost all of his skin… and you could just see him… his veins and his capilaries and his muscles…

Interviewer: It sounds like a TLC special!

Gale: No. It’s actually a real story.

Interviewer: Really?

Gale: No.

Interviewer: I’m done! I can’t do anymore.

Gale: Me too, you wore me out. Thank you very much.

来源: http://qaforever.tumblr.com

还有一个超清神游视频{:3_254:} 这个视频里面Gale没有发言(或被剪辑掉了),所以他只负责走神{:3_248:}


回复 56# hpl
嗯 感觉有点毛躁,女记者不走运耶,碰上Gale不好对付的时候,上次在温哥华Hellcats片场,这个女记者采访Gale的时候他心情就超好的,一路欢声笑语{:3_212:}


回复 58# zhuanyong20101
哈哈 是的! 好多好可爱的gif图,看着就欢乐



本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-5-25 10:36 编辑
回复  zhuanyong20101
那個轉眼珠gif特好笑 他這次採訪真的很皮
不知是不是因為現場一堆小女生 ...
hpl 发表于 2011-5-23 20:11

赫赫 说不定是根本没睡醒{:3_254:}

回复 62# cocotiti
还有谁咧 感觉就他特别不好对付{:3_229:}


回复 64# hpl


回复 66# sandy_6836
看来Sandy很喜欢这样的题材嘛 哈哈


本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-31 14:10 编辑

The Secret Circle高清中文字幕版在线看(第一季第1至5集):


第4集(没有Charles戏份): http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEwNTQyNDM2.html






<The Secret Circle>将会在7月19日正式开拍,拍摄地点在加拿大温哥华。
消息来源: http://www.ksitetv.com/6781/the- ... s-shooting-july-19/



好久没有TSC的消息了~~今天更新个mini intro




本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-8-12 15:42 编辑


***2011 TCA Summer Press Tour图片合集 ***

2011年8月3日Gale出席CW TCA Party:

和CW大老板,男主角Thomas Dekker

2011年8月4日洛杉矶比佛利山Hilton大酒店TCA Summer Press Tour - CW专场:

Natasha, Gale, Britt, 还有编剧Kevin Williamson

图片来源: (有很多超高清大图,大家可以到以下链接或者意大利网站上挖)
http://jimhalterman.com/news/tca ... rold-thomas-dekker/
http://galedevotee.wordpress.com ... le-at-cw-tca-party/


回复 107# gulinara
第3集的剧情里,这个Zachary Lang会和Charles(Gale)起争执/打斗,Zachary扬言要杀掉Circle里面其中一位witch



回复 110# 第七天99
哈哈 动漫大会上播出了pilot,貌似Gale的戏份还不少:
"@cinjudes Quite a bit. More than some of the coven members."


The Secret Circle剧组将会在本周四(8月4日)参加在洛杉矶比佛利山Hilton大酒店举行的2011 TCA Summer Press Tour (美国电视评论协会夏季巡回会)


回复 115# 第七天99
不过本周四的TCA Summer Tour Gale会参加,还有两天就可以看到最新Gale啦{:3_295:}期待一拨又一拨的图片~~~


Gale的近照出来啦{:3_279:}好久不见Gale Harold先森~~~




本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-8-7 14:29 编辑

2011.8.4 TCA Summer Press Tour

原视频地址: http://www.eonline.com/news/watc ... comes_secret/256342
英文翻译(上面还有好多可爱的gif图): http://fuckyeahqaf.tumblr.com/post/8538939059
中文翻译 by Cora

Gale Harold Interview Transcription - The Secret Circle

Kristin: You are soooo creepy - on the show!
Gale: My shoes are squeaking.
Kristin: 你的角色真的很-吓-人耶。
Gale: 是啊我的鞋都在尖叫。

Kristin: Ohh, that's what it was.
Gale: Yeah.
Kristin: I thought you had a sound effect machine that went with you wherever you went.
Gale: Well, that is a sound effect… but it's not a machine. It's actually an accoutrement.
Kristin: 哈哈 是哦?
Gale: 嗯。
Kristin: 我觉得你在剧中好像带着一个变声器在说话。
Gale: 是声音特效...不过不是变声器。是一个神秘装置。

Kristin: (Laughs for an awkward amount of time) … how fun is it for you to play this very creepy guy?
Gale: Mmmhm. Um. One thing that was very fun was trying to light a match with my left hand.
Kristin: Why did it have to be your left hand?
Kristin: 饰演这个可怕的人物有什么好玩的地方吗?
Gale: Mmmhm. 有一个好玩的就是,我要用左手来划火柴。
Kristin: 为什么要你用左手呢?

Gale: Ask the camera… no, it's because I'm not very good with my left hand, and that whole part of the scene was shot in the studio, so it happened outside, but the way the set was built and the way the camera was set and the angles were already established, meant that I had to use my left hand. That was the funnest thing.
Kristin: Next time maybe they'll ask you if you're right-handed or left-handed.
Gale: Yeah, but it happens sometimes. You can get surprised in a number of different ways… but, also, it's very fun to try and pull off these two aspects of this character simultaneously, and make him believeable - that he's actually considered to be a good person and a good father, while simultaneously burning down peoples' houses and making them think they're drowning… just by looking at them.
Gale: 这个要问摄像机了... 其实是因为我不太擅长用左手。那个场景是在室内拍的,场景布置还有摄像机摆位已经定好了,我站的位置决定我只能用左手来完成划火柴的动作。挺好玩的。
Kristin: 也许下次他们会问你是左撇子还是右撇子了。
Gale: 看情况吧,有时候你也会遇到意外的情况... 除此之外,有趣的还有要同时把这个角色的两面表现出来,让观众信服 — (Charles)他既是一个好人和好父亲,但同时他也会放火把人家房子给烧掉,或者用眼神就把人家淹死。

Kristin: I think it's an interesting hobby he has.
Gale: It's not a hobby. It's an occupation.
Kristin: Is it safe to say that your character is - at least in the beginning - the primary villain on the show? Or might he be misunderstood.
Gale: Um, I think he's absolutely misunderstood - he's misunderstood by himself… and me. I don't know, I think one of the other interesting aspects - of which there are many - is not really knowing who's in charge yet. It seems to be that Natasha's character is sort of running things. And she's kind of bound to let Charles remain in his capacity because he's willing to do anything. So it's hard to say, y'know, I think that he's kind of the thug and she's kind of the coppo… would that be a 'cappa'? I don’t know..
Kristin: 他这个爱好还蛮特别的。
Gale: 不是爱好。这是他职业。
Kristin: 我们可以这样说吗 — 至少在这部剧开端 — 他是个坏人? 或至少他是这样被大家误解的。
Gale: 嗯,我觉得他肯定是被误解的。他被自己误解...还把我搞糊涂。这是其中一个有趣的地方 — 你还不知道谁才是主脑。似乎Natasha的角色才是这一切的主谋,她没去管Charles做什么事情,因为她知道他会(为了circle)去做任何事。所以很难说,我觉得他是狠角色,但她才是"黑社会大佬"...或者"黑社会大姐"? 我不知道...

Kristin: 'Capp-a'? Female version? I guess… yeah, it works…
Gale: Um, but uh, it's hard to say. And hopefully it's gonna keep fracturing and getting turned around. The power struggle between those two I think will be an interesting reflection of the power struggle between our kids and that new circle that's being built. Um, her daughter's character, Faye, seems to share my affinity for just tearing the house apart, right, whereas my daughter is much more sort of, um, well she seems to be more interested in doing the 'right' thing. So there's kind of an odd counter-point going on, y'know.
Kristin: "黑社会大姐"? 好吧...明白...
Gale: 嗯,这会随着剧情发展而不断变化吧。这两个角色之间的角力会反映到我们的孩子身上,还影响这个新的圈子怎样建立。她女儿的角色,Faye,和我的角色性格会比较相近,放火烧屋什么的毫不手软。但我的女儿就更...有正义感,她会坚持做正确的事。所以这里面就有个有趣的交叉。

Kristin: Right. And what was it about this show that made it interesting to you - what made you want to do it? Had you heard of the book series at all?
Gale: No, I was pretty green, as far as that goes. And I haven't really figured out what that's all about, because I don't want to make any sort of assumptions or pre-determined ideas about it… I'm sure that Kevin will take it where it needs to go, in his own way, and that's what I want to learn, y'know.

But the thing that was really interesting to me was what we were talking about before - playing that double, and always being veiled when I'm walking down the street, but then when the sun goes down, there's this other thing happening. And it seems to me - and I don't know if this is really true - but I don't think he really cares about 'good' and 'evil'. And it's not because he's a kid saying he doesn't care about good and evil, it's really not the way that he thinks. I think it's more about what's right and what's wrong - not from a morality point of view, but what's right for me, and what's wrong for me, and how could I make this situation better by making it more right… for me. And then that kind of goes back into being very clan-ish, right, there's these families that don't really exist; they're banned, they're not supposed to be there. But they are, they're doing what they're doing.
Kristin: 嗯。是什么吸引你饰演这个角色呢? 你看过原著小说吗?
Gale: 没有,这个题材我接触比较少。我还不太清楚整个故事是怎样,但我不想在因为原著的故事而先入为主...我相信Kevin会让故事向着某个方向发展,他有他的办法,我从中学习就好。
我真正觉得有趣的是 — 像我们刚才说的—这个双面的角色。白天他可能是个温和有礼的人,但当黑夜降临,又会有其他事情发生。我个人觉得— 我不知道我的理解是否正确 — (Charles)他并不在乎什么是'正义'还是'邪恶'。这不是一般高中生说的那种不在乎,而是他的思维方式不是这样的。他会更执着于是'对'还是'错' — 不是道义上的对或错,而是我认为这是正确的或错误的,我可以做什么来让事情变得像我设想的那样'正确'。这就变得很家族式,因为这些(巫师)家族,他们并不真正存在,他们是被禁止的。但他们就在那里,默默进行着他们的计划。

Kristin: Right. Mmm. How much are you told about what's coming up ahead? When you were shooting the pilot, was it really that controlled, that self-contained-
Gale: It's very self-contained, and it's still very self-contained, y'know.
Kristin: So they don't tell you a whole lot of what's coming up?
Gale: It comes in small pieces. And I think in a way that's good, and in a way it's a little nerve-wracking. But it's just the nature of an adaptation. And in the beginning of the story the writers have to do what they have to do and get it set up… and then they let us know.
Kristin: I thought it was beautifully shot, I mean just the setting was gorgeous. How are you feeling about working in Vancouver, is this your first (time in Vancouver)?
Kristin: 嗯,关于故事的发展你们知道得多吗? 当你们拍摄pilot的时候,剧本内容还是高度秘密,不能泄露太多?
Gale: 非常神秘,真的。
Kristin: 所以他们不会告诉你故事会怎样发展?
Gale: 你只能从零散的情节里面去猜。我觉得这也是好的,但同时也有点让人崩溃。不过这是小说改编的本质决定的。故事一开端编剧就要把框架搭起来,再开始讲故事。
Kristin: 我觉得(pilot)拍得很漂亮,画面很美。你在温哥华工作感觉怎样,这是第一次在温哥华拍摄吗?

Gale: No, I worked there a little bit last year. I love it. It's beautiful, and there's great people there… and uh, the light, and the water… it's really beautiful.
Kristin: Do you have a romantic interest on the show?
Gale: Um, it's kind of hard to say. I think that's all up to… it will be discovered as we go forward. But hopefully what will happen is that people who are following the story will make assumptions. Which is always, y'know, you hope that the audience jumps in. It's weird, you know, the times that we live in, it's like an ongoing competition to see who can spoil whatever is going to happen first or who's the smartest in determining what the future of this story's gonna be… and uh, that can be a little irritating, but at the same time it's kind of a blessing, because… it's that flocking mentality of 'I was right, I was right, I was right' - and then we can kind of do whatever we wanna do, and they can then catch up with us…
Gale: 不,我去年也在那边工作了一段时间。我很喜欢。温哥华很漂亮,人们很友好...还有阳光,湖泊...很漂亮。
Kristin: 你的角色有感情戏吗?
Gale: 现在还很难说,要看剧情发展吧。追看电视剧的观众会对剧情有所期待,就像你希望的,观众投入到故事中去。这是很奇怪的一件事,you know, 我们生活的这个时代,就像一场互相竞争角力的比赛,看谁先猜到事情到底是什么样子,谁是最聪明的决定这个故事该怎样发展...有时候挺恼人的,但有时候也是一种恩赐...观众会产生那种自我暗示'我早猜到啦,我早猜到啦,我早猜到啦' — 然后我们就可以决定我们该怎样做,让观众继续跟着我们走...
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  • hpl


8.6更新 大风继续吹袭{:3_279:}




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