OMG Randy真是光芒四射~~无论从发型动作还是声线 so coooooool{:3_155:}
原来OMG可以这么好听 XD

On the last Wednesday of every month, the raunchy, surprising, totally fabulous Our Hit Parade tramps through Joe’s Pub in a spirit of wild celebration. Louchely inspired by the 1950s TV program Your Hit Parade, the show invites a shifting group of artists—from stars like Moby to downtown freaks and child actors—to interpret the top pop songs of the day.
每个星期三在纽约Joe's Pub都会有个Our Hit Parade的演出,由各路明星艺人重新演绎当今流行歌曲。

Randy Harrison: Best known for his leading role as a gay teen on Showtime’s Queer as Folk, Randy Harrison also has a surprisingly strong and sweet tenor voice.
Key song: Kelly Clarkson’s “My Life Would Suck Without You,” reimagined as a choirboy’s confession to a priest.
Our Hit Parade常驻艺人名单中介绍了Randy,还提到了Randy翻唱Kelly Clarkson的那首'My life would suck without you', 论坛之前也有童鞋贴过: 还有

要是能去纽约一定要去Joe's Pub喝上一杯欣赏Randy的精彩演出{:3_260:}


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