本帖最后由 cora 于 2010-9-24 00:35 编辑

热烈欢迎法学教授Julian Parish{:3_272:} {:3_279:}





另外Gale接受了3篇杂志的采访: 好窝心的标题~~"My fans are everything"

Gale Harold: My fans are everything
http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/po ... WVdolbJvfIRawFmh1bM【强烈推荐】

翻译by Cora
For Gale Harold fans, the October 14, 2008 motorcycle crash that landed him in ICU was doubly devastating. Not only had the man they'd come to love on "Queer As Folk" suffered a potentially life threatening injury, but it also meant he would be MIA from their lives for a while.

Tonight, a "100 percent recovered" Gale returns to television with his first recurring role since his accident on "Hellcats." He plays Julian, Marti's socially conscious law professor -- but unlike everyone else at Lancer University, Julian doesn't see her specialness from the jump. In fact, he doesn't even think she belongs there. Maybe it's all the flannels and belly shirts. Just a guess.

PopWrap: How did you come to join "Hellcats?"
PW: 你是怎样加入Hellcats剧组的呢?
Gale Harold: It was pretty straight forward. I saw the script, read it and thought the dialogue was great. Plus, my character gets involved with some pretty difficult socially relevant work. So I auditioned and voila.
Gale: 挺直接的,我看了剧本,觉得台词很棒。而且我的角色还可以接触到一些社会生态。所以我就去试镜(并得到这个角色)了。

PW: What can you tell us about your character, Julian Parish?
PW: 可以给我们介绍一下你的角色Julian Parish吗?
Gale: He’s Marti's pre-law professor. I haven't really gotten the full backstory on him yet, but my version of it is that he’s an idealistic, and therefore somewhat impoverished, lawyer who believes in social justice. Specifically the three-strikes law.
Gale: 他是Marti的法律预科教授。我还没完全获取关于他背景方面的资料,不过从剧本看来,我觉得他是一个理想主义者,一个生活拮据的律师,但他相信社会公义。尤其是three-strikes law.(译者注:,“Three strikes law”是一个法律术语,可以理解为“三振出局法”,力在严惩累犯。 “Three strikes law”规定,因暴力或严重罪行被判入狱两次者,以后每被判一次,无论新罪严重与否,至少得服刑25年甚至是终身监禁。)

PW: Does he instantly take a liking to Marti?
PW: 他有马上喜欢上Marti这个学生吗?
Gale: He actually serves as a counterpoint to Marti because he doesn’t really take her seriously. He can’t imagine that a cheerleader would have the time, the will or the interest to do what it takes to become a lawyer, so he tries to weed those people out early so not one seat is wasted. He loves the legal profession, but he knows that it can be a time waster if the students aren’t serious.
Gale: 事实上他算是一个"反派",刚开始的时候他没把Marti当一回事。因为他不认为啦啦队员会有时间精力和兴趣去学习法律,所以他尽量把这些人打发走,好让教室里每一个座位都留给有用的人。他热爱法律这个专业,他也知道如果学生对这一行没有足够热诚的话是不可能坚持下去的。

PW: Is he a scary guy?
PW: 他是个可怕的人吗?
Gale: That’s kind of the challenge – my nature is to sometimes come across a bit crass, kind of cold, so it’s trying to balance that and all of that verbose legalese so it makes sense to the audience .. and the other actors.
Gale: (这个角色)挺有挑战性的——他的天性比较直率,酷酷的。这种性格还要跟他不时冒出一长串的法律术语结合起来,要演绎这个平衡

PW: Are you good with lots of jargon filled monologues?
PW: 你擅长演绎这样的专业角色吗?
Gale: I’m trying. I’m working on it. For me, the interesting thing has been trying to move quickly but naturally with complicated ideas when there’s several of them. You’re moving from point to point to point. I think we've all been in the position when you’re up against the teacher who goes so fast you’re scrambling just to keep up. But you can’t, in my opinion, do that dramatically on television. Finding the balance has been fascinating for me as an actor.
Gale: 我正在努力。对于我来说,挑战在于要在不同的复杂的想法之间变换,从这一点想到那一点。我们都会经历过,你的某位老师脑子转得太快了以致于你很难跟上。但在电视上你不能夸张地去表达这一点。作为演员找到现实与表演之间的平衡是很有趣的。

PW: Would you have made a good lawyer?
PW: 你有想过自己会成为一位好律师吗?
Gale: I was a good student, but I've watched trial footage and I don’t think my acting skills would get me there. I think that’s kind of a myth, or an odd way of looking at it, that lawyers are good actors. I think good lawyers are straight-forward machine-like communicators. But I would have loved to have the opportunity.
Gale: 我也算是个好学生。可是当我看到法庭上的真实片段时,我觉得自己的演技没有好到那个地步。这其实是个奇怪的想法--我觉得律师们都是很好的演员。好的律师就像一部高效沟通机器。如果我有机会(成为律师)那也不错。

PW: Well it's just nice to see you back in front of a camera after your accident -- how are you feeling now?
PW: 很高兴看到你在事故后重新回到荧幕前--你现在感觉怎样?
Gale: Yea, 100 percent recovered. I’m good, I’m back.
Gale: 很好,百分百复活了。

PW: I would imagine you felt the love from your fans in a way like never before during the healing process.
PW: 我猜你在康复的过程中一定前所未有地感受到粉丝们对你的钟爱了?
Gale: It’s funny because during the recovery process I was very, very reclusive. That’s how my recovery was laid out for me. I wasn’t aware of anything until later – but yes, people were amazing. I also think that was kind of the larger wake up call in surviving this type of accident – people who say they like what you’re doing really mean it, it’s not like they’re trying to get inside your head. They just like what you’re doing and it’s very kind. I’m trying to figure out how to engage in a more direct way because your audience is everything if you’re an actor. I might be hitting the airwaves soon – I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve.
Gale: 其实我在疗养的时候是比较与世隔绝的,因为要遵照康复的疗程。直到最近我才知道一切--是的,他们让人感动。我从这件事中意识到的更重要的一件事是--当人们说他们欣赏你的演出的时候,他们是由衷地喜爱,而不是要入侵到你的头脑里面去。他们就是喜欢你所做的事情,那很贴心。我现在正努力投身其中,因为作为演员观众就是你的一切。可能很快我会接触电台广播方面--我还没使出浑身解数呢。
(Gale说的是your audience is everything if you’re an actor,不是说出标题那一句my fans are everything,这里算是笔者偷换概念啦啦啦)
Gale Harold Sexes Up Hellcats Tonight—And Lives to Tell Us About It
http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/w ... es_up_hellcats.html

You loved him on Queer as Folk. You fell even harder for him on Desperate Housewives. And now the charming and oh-so-handsome Gale Harold is joining the CW's Hellcats, one of our new fall faves.

So what's he doing with a bunch of hot cheerleaders? It sounds a little naughty. Here's what Gale tells us:

Give us the goods on your new Hellcats character Julian Parrish.
Gale Harold: Julian is a law professor, and he meets Marti (Aly Michalka) in class and it's suddenly this dynamic of them feeling each other out.

Sounds a little...scandalous maybe? What do you mean by 'feeling each other out?'
G.H.: He doesn't know whether to take her seriously because she's this cheerleader. And Julian just doesn't think she'll be in his class very long, that she'll screw up and leave. He puts it back on her prove that she's serious and that this is what she wants to do.

Will there be a romance with your character and any Hellcat, or Hellcat coach?
G.H.: I've heard that there may be. But may have just been other teachers chatting in the lounge. (Laughs.) You might see a little J.P.+ H.C.? The name might start with an M?

It sounds like you storyline with Aly's character parallels her storyline with the Hellcats.
G.H.: That's how it felt to me, too. Julian's teaching because he can't afford to live independently and make a career as an attorney. He loves to teach, but at the same time he'd rather be in the courtroom. So there's definitely a parallel to Marti's situation with the Hellcats.

Why Hellcats? What made you want to do it?
G.H.: What's really interesting to me about Hellcats is there's the cheerleading world and the happy day-by-day reality, and then underneath it, it's not always so nice. It's good to investigate what's going on down there.
Will Hellcats' Marti Hook Up with Her Professor?
(当八卦看就算了...= =)

So far Hellcats has featured a lot of cheerleading and not so much studying, but that will change this week when Gale Harold arrives as Marti's law professor, Julian.

"He certainly gives her and the rest of the class the feeling that maybe he doesn't take her so seriously," Harold (Queer as Folk) tells TVGuide.com.

Ratings: Were Hellcats' numbers worth cheering about?

Marti (Aly Michalka) is a pre-law student who joined the cheerleading squad to maintain her scholarship. With the Hellcats taking up most of her time, she struggles to balance class and homework with the squad.

Marti and Julian's relationship begins as a push-and-pull, but she soon connects with him, Michalka says.

"He pushes her and pisses her off and makes her go, 'Fine, I'm going to get my stuff together, I'm going to impress you,'" she says.

Julian is inspiring to Marti because "he doesn't try to be," Harold says. "When you're around [an instructor] and you can tell they're so good and so adept, it's almost overwhelming, but at the same time you're being inspired. Not only do you want to do what that person does, but figure out how they do it."

The two soon get closer when Marti goes to Julian for legal advice on behalf of her friend. But how close will they ultimately get? Both Harold and Michalka agree that Julian and Marti could cross the student-teacher line — if the fans want to see it.
Martin和Julian的关系很快就随着Martin为朋友奔波的事熟络起来。(后面那句我就不翻译了= =)

"Marti always needs to be a likeable character where we root for her, and if that involves [that] story line happening, then I'm sure they'll be going in that direction," Michalka says.

Adds Harold: "I think if they're going well, they could. From a storytelling point of view, it's really effective because you don't have to do all the expositional 'this is where I'm from, this is who I am, this is how I came to be who I am.' It's just proven in action and so all of the subtext is much more direct."
Aly和Gale都说如果Martin和Julian教授有感情戏,也不是不可能的。Gale说,从剧情的发展来说也是有可能的blah blah blah...

Do you want to see Marti and her law professor hook up?














虽说G在里面出演,但不太看好此剧,感觉类型和其他美剧有些雷同。啦啦队体裁的也有很多电影版的,目前为止感觉没什么新颖,所以感觉也走不太远,为何不去加盟CSI LV篇,都走到第十一季了。






本帖最后由 落之初夏 于 2010-9-24 23:28 编辑

175# cora

cora大俺看了这集嚼着Gale大讨论法律案子的时候很像在说广告案 ...原来的印象实在太根深蒂固了撒......恩啊恩啊  期待后面的剧情...




  • cora


为了gale把这部剧从第一集就开始跟了,gale出现时那简直就是眼前一亮,什么男女主角的都闪到一边去了,真的是明媚耀眼,风采斐然,so charming,而且角色个性鲜明,说话酷酷的,就是我喜欢的那种类型的角色啊。


  • cora



可能是QAF讓他一夕成名 突如其來的名聲和粉絲的熱愛 讓他無法接受
好在現在一切好轉 Gale! 讓我們的愛包圍你吧 好好享受喔


我要选他做导师 :s08




好容易看到第三集了 Julian教授总于登场....为嘛第一集我就觉得他对Marti毫无反感呢,和采访他的话不一致 哼~:s37
感觉剧中口音好像不太一样了 没之前那么性感
至于发型 确实不咋地 但是对于大学教授 金牌律师 如此中规中矩也可以理解

不过给他戏份还算蛮多 超出预期了 继续关注:s14


  • cora


本帖最后由 cora 于 2010-9-25 10:43 编辑

191# 冰灵嘉儿
偶还没来得及看看看{:3_286:} 不过看来戏份还是挺多的,很多粉丝都说比想象中多咧 哈哈

Hellcats - Episode 1.06 - Ragged Old Flag - Short Synopsis
Posted by DarkUFO at Friday, September 24, 2010
Labels: Hellcats

The Hellcats and the girls' volleyball team compete in a game of flag football; Marti skips the game to attend a conference with Julian; Savannah and Alice find themselves at odds once again.

Source: SpoilerTV







刚刚看了第三集,终于看到大叔了,太高兴了,真希望有部他主演的电视剧可以看,长长的,一直看下去, 不管什么题材都OK,只要可以看到大叔。


shijunnan100 发表于 2010-9-25 12:27

看了Gale以前和現在參與的美劇  舞台劇  採訪  相片...






197# amy18

那个角色太深入我们心啦 所以才有这种感觉吧

也是睿智型和Brian最大的共同点都是有颗BIG HEART {:5_321:}








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