

回复 304# hpl
anyway 希望他快点好起来~~下次面对公众又活蹦乱跳指东划西的


回复 287# cora

昨天在FB上看到2011年9月10日更新CW Premiere Party 上Gale的相片
看起來蒼老了些 我還以為是故意化老妝咧 有點驚到 覺得怪怪的 而且嘴巴特別紅 好像塗了口紅似的
現在看到cora大的說明 好像是真的他身體不舒服  耶







本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-9-15 19:10 编辑

Gale第十万八千次就Charles Meade这个角色及其双面性还有巫术角力咒语秘圈杂七杂八接受访问{:3_267:}

The Secret Circle's Gale Harold Dishes on His Killer Role (Plus a Sneak Peek!)

原文地址: [url=http://www.eonline.com/news/watc ... 63598#ixzz1Y043f8uM]http://www.eonline.com/news/watc ... 63598#ixzz1Y043f8uM[/url]

We can say this for Gale Harold: The man loves his destruction. Fictional destruction, that is.

We recently chatted with Harold about his killer role on the CW's new drama The Secret Circle, which centers on a young coven of witches. Harold plays Charles Meade, the father of one of the coven members, who is also a witch and is manipulating his daughter Diana (Shelley Hennig) & Co to accomplish...something. Just call him the wicked witch of Chance Harbor.

So is it just going to be all killin' and mind games for Harold on Thursday nights? Here's what he told us:

It's no secret now that when we first meet Charles in the pilot, he's using his power to murder Cassie's (Britt Robertson) mom. If Harold has his way, Charles will only get more evil as the series goes on.

"I hope he gets worse and darker," he said. "Charles doesn't really understand, I don't think, how far he's going. It's still somewhat out of his control. He can't control his intention, his desire." See? He loves his fictional chaos.

The character's dual nature—"some days, always hiding; other days, just going straight for the heart, killing people"— is something that attracted Harold to the role.

"What's interesting about this character trying to do this job is to be convincing as what is perceived to be a decent guy. He takes care of his daughter and he seems to participate in his school, veiling all of these other things that are going on, the secrets that are happening," Harold explained. "And conversely, playing someone who really has this pretty serious obsession with power and wants enough to try and bring it back after a horrible accident that was a result of playing around with it in the first place. People have been hurt and somehow that wasn't enough to take me off the path. It's interesting to try and play two very different sides within the same person."

Harold's main love interest on the show? Power. "It's too seductive. The potential for the power is too seductive, I can't let it go."

While he knows "kind of rough lines" about the tragic accident that killed several members of his circle 16 years ago, Harold said, "The way that I've sort of rationalized with Dawn (Natasha Henstridge) is, 'how are we going to make this better?' I'm going to kill someone else. What else would you do?" Seems simple to us!

While Charles and Dawn are working together, don't expect everything to be smooth sailing. In fact, prepare for a power struggle. "It's going to be interesting to see how she can guide my character or try and keep him in check, if that's possible, and then how my character will try and destabilize what she's doing without being conscious of it," he told us. "It seems to me there's going to be ongoing conflict and it just gets worse and worse and worse, so there are messes to clean up and things to hide from."

Not enough Gale Harold goodness for ya? Watch this exclusive clip from tomorrow's episode, where you get to see just how threatening and sinister Charles can be. Even with his old friend, Ethan (Adam Harrington). And don't miss the series premiere of The Secret Circle Thursday, Sept. 15 at 9 p.m. after The Vampire Diaries on the CW.


[09/15/11 - 12:09 AM]
Interview: "The Secret Circle" Co-Star Gale Harold
By Jim Halterman (TFC)
原文地址: http://www.thefutoncritic.com/in ... 10915_secretcircle/

If you're looking for a good spot on your TV schedule to dive into some exciting, sexy tales of vampires, werewolves, magic and danger, then Thursdays on the CW could be the ideal destination for you. With "Nikita" moving to kick butt on Friday nights, the network has paired up the returning "Vampire Diaries" with a new series, "The Secret Circle." While both shows come from popular book series written by L.J. Smith and also have Executive Producer Kevin Williamson involved, the new entry leaves the vamps/wolves to Mystic Falls and focuses on magic and power and what happens when young Cassie (Britt Robertson) comes to Chance Harbor, Washington and falls in with a group of teen witches.

The series is much more than just teenagers, however, as we see in the opening minutes of the pilot when Charles Meade (Gale Harold) starts the ball rolling with a book of matches that, well, gets things ablaze very fast. But is Charles truly a villain? Is he just taking orders from high school principal/apparent ringleader Dawn Chamberlin (Natasha Henstridge)? What exactly is their agenda and how does young Cassie fit into it? Our Jim Halterman figured the best way to get some answers is to sit down with Gale Harold, as he did at the recent Television Critics Association summer press tour in Beverly Hills.

Jim Halterman: Had you been looking to play a dark, villainous kind of role before "Secret Circle" came along?

Gale Harold: Well, I think I'm like most other actors. The villains are always compelling in the way that you make him interesting and just how much you can get away with. Also, this role was very interesting because he is a 'villain' but he's also very engaged in covering that up all the time. He's not some kind of guy who rides into town and starts hurting people, though he does do that if he needs to. He has to be incredibly careful and he has to make sure no one really knows what's going on. It would put him in a lot of legal trouble and he's actively trying to build a whole new situation so the devil side of the character is very interesting.

JH: Do you think it's too easy, then, to just chalk Charles up as a pure, 100% villain?

GH: He's not just a villain. He's known to people in the town as someone who also has a daughter and so he's a family man and if anyone ever finds out what he's fooling around with, the first thing is going to happen, possibly, is my daughter could be taken from me before I even make it to jail. For me, that's what is more interesting. Trying to sell the two sides of the story at the same time and then having that fracture come in even more and see how difficult it becomes for him.

JH: The dynamic between Charles and Dawn is interesting because at least in the beginning it would seem she has more power but is that going to shift as the show moves forward?

GH: I think there's a built-in dynamic of... I know I have to let her do whatever it is that makes her side of the relationship work. I'm the hit man. I do things that could have already put me very far away. I need her to be more level-headed and rational and logical. She's a high school [principal]. People have their assumptions about lawyers that are not always positive, right? But high school [principals] typically are all about the community and the students. There's an interesting dynamic between them. They need each other and ultimately, I think, regardless of what that is, Charles is going to plan a take-over because he's very, very compelled to do what he does and I think it's going to turn into a very serious addiction and once that happens I think I'm going to become slowly less controllable even if I know it's for my best interest to play it safe within the context of burning people to death and making people drown. I think it's going to come loose.

JH: I don't know about you but I did not have a high school principal that looked like Natasha.

GH: [Laughs.] You know, I didn't either and that's probably why I didn't like going to school so much!

JH: How long will it take for viewers to know what the agenda between Dawn and Charles is as well as, perhaps, their own individual agendas?

GH: That's what I am hoping gets right off the ground quickly. I want people who are following the story to feel like they're onto something from the very beginning. Let's face it, everyone thinks they're smarter than the writer but the best part about the reveal that the writer gives you is that you may or may not have suspected it. You may be so clever you figured it out way back when but I don't want to know. I want to find that out with everyone, you know what I mean? It's like I was talking about this before, it's all about the hunt.

JH: Does Charles have a moral compass and if he does do we see it waiver as things start getting more and more complicated in his story?

GH: I don't know exactly what that would be but what's more interesting than morality in this story is what is good and evil? Morals are based on social conventions that are a result of societies living together and working together and invading other's societies and taking their money and taking their people and all of that. I think that on some level what I'm interested in finding out is... I really think Charles is not too preoccupied with the idea of good and evil. I think he's more preoccupied with right and wrong in terms of 'what is right for me and what is wrong for me to get what I want?' That's all I care about. Otherwise, why would I kill someone that I grew up with and force her daughter to move back to the town where I live in and go to school with my own daughter? I mean, that's preposterous but that's not about good and evil. I think if you think about good and evil you can enver do that or otherwise I'd be either Rasputin or I'd be Charles Manson. It's more of a Jim Jones thing.

JH: You've had such an interesting career with all the different roles you've played. Is there much thought that goes into a career like 'This is what I want my career to be' or is it just about the roles that come your way?

GH: If you're very fortunate, you can take the roles that come your way but if you're living more like someone that's living in the reality of the world you have to stay open. I mean, I do know some actors that have very, very specific hard lines and agendas and good for them but that's an amazingly tricky thing.. That's why it's so thrilling to see the way it works and I definitely have other places that I want to get to sooner than later but if you rush it you can kind of run over your own feet. Then, you never know what's going to happen.

"The Secret Circle" airs every Thursday at 9:00/8:00c on The CW.




回复 299# 第七天99
可能我已经被各式各样的预告片不断剧透,以至于真正看到pilot的时候都没啥新鲜感了{:3_274:}希望之后的剧情不断有惊喜:P 只要没有剧透疲倦的话,看第一集应该还是感觉很爽的因为Charles还是挺酷的{:3_284:}


回复 297# cora



大叔  还是好帅啊 ~~~~~期待新剧啊     想死了


就是Charles没有感觉很吓人很creepy啊{:3_254:}坏蛋不坏 肿么办XD


回复 295# cora







回复 291# cora




回复 290# gulinara
嗯 脸色苍白 有点憔悴{:3_199:}


















回复 281# gulinara
嗯 接下来就等Gale在12号晚上的9/11十周年纪念活动朗诵会了{:3_196:}


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