[其他] Whatever This Is 預告片[The Outs分手後新作] [MP4][18.4MB][英文字幕][百度雲]

英文名稱:Whatever This Is
戲劇導演:Adam Goldman
Hunter Canning ..... Sam
Dylan Marron ..... Ari
Madeline Wise ..... Lisa
Ross Hamman ..... Oscar
地      區:美國

簡      介:
Whatever this is. follows Sam (Hunter Canning) and Ari (Dylan Marron), two production assistants in New York, and Lisa (Madeline Wise), Sam's girlfriend.
Whatever This Is 是關於Sam (Hunter Canning飾演) 和 Ari (Dylan Marron飾演),兩個在紐約的製作助理,還有Lisa (Madeline Wise飾演),Sam的女朋友。

Sam and Ari are scraping by working on low or unpaid video production gigs thrown their way by Oscar (Ross Hamman), an existentially grumpy middle-man at a small production company. Making rent is hard enough; they barely have time to sneak toward their personal goals and personal lives in their off-hours.

Lisa is a teacher and therefore unemployed for the summer. A chance encounter puts her on the road to a possible summer job, but she's not sure where it could lead - or if she's even qualified.

Whatever this is. asks a tough question: how long are you expected to do work that you hate, for pennies, until it becomes something that you love that pays the rent? Is it even possible?
Whatever This Is問了一個很困難的問題:為了錢,你能夠做你討厭的工作多久,直到它開始變成你喜歡的工作而能夠付房租呢?這個有可能嗎?




P.S. 又是我來翻譯囉!再次重申,小弟只是歐洲研究及法語專業,並非翻譯系專業,加上小弟為香港人,用詞與內地網友可有出入,如有錯漏,還望指正及見諒!
P.S.2. 部份地方翻得不太好,因為有些地方聽不到(美國人普遍都說得很快,加上又帶有口音),那些聽不清楚的地方就只能瞎翻。在此向大家說一聲抱歉。
P.S.3. 因為太忙,沒時間再把英文翻成中文,在此再向大家說一聲抱歉。有興趣翻成中文的就自己來喔!

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