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标题: [Randy] Randy参演Alan Bennett作品<Habit of Art>-10.31更新Randy近照 [打印本页]

作者: cora    时间: 2011-8-1 16:18     标题: Randy参演Alan Bennett作品<Habit of Art>-10.31更新Randy近照

本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-31 10:22 编辑

Fall Benefit 2011 for the Studio Theatre
Artistic Director and The Habit of Art Director, David Muse and The Habit of Art star Randy Harrison at the Fall Benefit 2011 for the Studio Theatre

来自The Studio Theatre – Facebook

本帖第3页65楼: ... 839&pid=7185702
另: <Habit of Art>再次加演一个星期到10月30日(


另: <Habit of Art>已经加演一个星期到10月23日(




<Habit of Art>9月7日晚开幕派对照片:

Randy和Brian :) Brian也到华盛顿现场支持Randy演出~~

图片来源: ... .339809.88142428784
关于<Habit of Art>的剧评: ... -the-studio-theatre
http://www.brightestyoungthings. ... studio-theatre.html
http://www.washingtoncitypaper.c ... t-reviewed-degrees/

<Habit of Art>剧照:

又见卷发Randy{:3_279:} 看那个平坦的小腹...是不是还有隐约的腹肌?XD



US Premiere
by Alan Bennett
directed by David Muse
starring Ted van Griethuysen and Paxton Whitehead
with Randy Harrison, Margaret Daly, Cameron Folmar, Matt Dewberry, and Wynn Harmon
September 7 - October 16, 2011
in the Metheny Theatre

英国著名剧作家Alan Bennett 2009年作品<The Habit of Art>首次登上美国舞台,华盛顿The Studio Theatre正式发布了关于<The Habit of Art>的公映消息: ... 1-12/Habit_PR01.pdf

The Studio Theatre follows up its 2008 hit production of The History Boys with Alan Bennett’s next play, The Habit of Art. Deep in the bowels of London’s NationalTheatre, rehearsals for a new play go apace: Benjamin Britten is having trouble with his latest opera and seeks out his collaborator, poet W. H. Auden, after a twenty-five year separation. Between visits by a rent boy and a biographer—whom Auden briefly mistakes for the rent boy—these aging artists wrestle with their desires, their jealousies, the ephemeral connection between creativity and inspiration, and all the reasons their friendship fell apart.

<The Habit of Art>是一部喜剧,讲述几位演员正在排练一部叫<Caliban's Day>的话剧,话剧的内容是诗人WH Auden和作曲家Benjamin Britten之间的一次重聚。这部剧可谓"戏中有戏"(a play within a play)。
Randy饰演的角色叫Tim,Tim在<Caliban's Day>里面饰演的角色叫Stuart。本剧从8月8日开始正式排练。关于角色介绍和小八卦请看最后。

Fitz, Henry, Tim and Donald are actors rehearsing a play called Caliban's Day. (The title reflects Auden's view that The Tempest was incomplete and Caliban should have an epilogue.) The director has been called away, so they have a run-through/workshop directed by the stage manager, Kay, in the presence of the playwright, Neil.
Caliban's Day is about a fictitious meeting in 1973 in Auden's rooms at Oxford, between Auden (Fitz) in his latter years and Britten (Henry). Auden has hired a rent boy, Stuart (Tim) and when Humphrey Carpenter (Donald) - who will write biographies of both Auden and Britten after their deaths - arrives to interview him, Auden mistakes him for Stuart. Britten has been auditioning boys for Death in Venice nearby, and arrives unexpectedly (their first meeting in 25 years after they fell out over the failure of their opera Paul Bunyan). He wants to discuss his misgivings about the paedophilic theme of Death in Venice and the light that may cast on his own life, but Auden assumes Britten wants him to write the libretto.
The characters intermittently break out of the rehearsal to discuss the play, how accurately/harshly it should treat Auden's failings, the actor's craft and many other issues raised by Auden, Britten and the play. In doing so, they reveal something of their own backgrounds.

Fitz, Henry, Tim和Donald正在排练Auden的作品<Caliban's Day>,在这个"剧中剧"里他们分别饰演诗人Auden、剧作家Britten、男妓Stuart和传记作家Humphrey。<Caliban's Day>讲述的是在1973年的某一天里发生的事。Auden和Britten本来是搭档,可是由于25年前两人合作的歌剧<Paul Bunyan>的失利而互不理睬。这一天里,Auden和Britten共同聘请的传记作家Humphrey将会上门为他们为传记的编写采访Auden,可是同时Auden又电召了男妓Stuart,因此当Humphrey上门的时候Auden误以为他就是男妓Stuart。刚巧Britten正在附近为自己新的歌剧<Death in Venice>挑选演员,他想上门来和Auden讨论<Death in Venice>里面的恋童倾向;Auden却误会了Britten是来找他写剧本。
在排练这部<Caliban's Day>的时候,几位演员会不时停下来讨论角色,从而表现出各自不同的性格和背景。

The Studio Theater网站上对Randy的介绍:(因为这是Randy首次和Studio Theater合作,还介绍得蛮全面的)

<The Habit of Arts>在2011年4月20日在纽约招募演员,给出的角色介绍是:
A British Male Actor, 24-29, who plays "Stuart", an attractive - even pretty - "rent boy" in the play within the play. Not skinny and not a "gym rat." One of the accents he does must be cockney. MAJOR ROLE
Tim: 24至29岁英国男演员,俊俏但不过分漂亮;剧中剧里要饰演男妓Stuart,不能太瘦又不能过分健硕。必须具备伦敦东区口音。主要角色。

Prepare a brief monologue from a British contemporary play using a British accent.
Bring picture and resume, stapled together.

*Salary note: AEA Salary commensurate with role and experience.  (Minimum for this contract is $600) + a private apartment, fully furnished and equipped within walking distance of the Theatre in the Dupont Circle neighborhood.  The apartment has internet.  Travel to and from DC is round-trip coach Amtrak fare or cash equivalent.  Gym membership available.
演员福利: 按AEA标准(Actor's Equity Association,美国演艺人协会),按角色大小及演艺经验而异,最低工资600美元(也就是剧中最小的角色、或演艺经验最浅的演员的工资水平)。由于本剧在华盛顿演出,外地演员都在剧院附近配备公寓(带互联网),来回华盛顿长途汽车费用及健身会员卡。
作者: 感觉至上    时间: 2011-8-1 17:00

作者: 夏夜的小路    时间: 2011-8-1 17:15

作者: weimiaoworld    时间: 2011-8-1 17:30

作者: zhong2008    时间: 2011-8-1 17:30

作者: sandy_6836    时间: 2011-8-1 23:33

哈哈 英式口音?不知道啥感觉
作者: belindad    时间: 2011-8-1 23:36

作者: carol299    时间: 2011-8-2 12:32

作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-8-2 18:31

作者: 感觉至上    时间: 2011-8-2 21:16

作者: coswj    时间: 2011-8-2 21:33

作者: ming518    时间: 2011-8-3 03:01

9 月會到 NY, 一定去睇:s12
作者: sandracy    时间: 2011-8-3 03:22

作者: sandracy    时间: 2011-8-3 03:24

作者: cora    时间: 2011-8-3 11:24

回复 13# ming518
作者: laolisi    时间: 2011-8-3 12:30

作者: ming518    时间: 2011-8-5 07:14

回复 16# cora

    我9月會去美國旅行, 會去到 NY & Wasihngton.  請問可以在那裡訂票嗎?
作者: cora    时间: 2011-8-5 10:26

回复 18# ming518
可以哒,你看看The Studio Theatre的那个公告,好像有说到关于订票的事
作者: ming518    时间: 2011-8-5 13:52

回复 19# cora

作者: zuiaideni    时间: 2011-8-5 23:01

作者: cora    时间: 2011-9-6 14:48

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-6 19:43

作者: hpl    时间: 2011-9-6 19:44

劇中劇 很有趣的一部劇
嘿嘿 只有在文區裡才能看到描寫Justin當男妓的文
所以很想看Randy演男妓的模樣 期待劇照或視頻
作者: QAFqaf99    时间: 2011-9-6 21:16

作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-9-7 12:42

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-8 19:22

本帖最后由 gulinara 于 2011-9-8 19:24 编辑

消息!!! ... &id=88142428784
作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-9-8 20:03

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-12 20:27

http://iheartjakecom.proboards.c ... ead=17&page=177
by emelwhy
I saw The Habit of Art tonight
More detailed thoughts about the play at another time.
Suffice to say for now that it was excellent and very funny.
Marvelous acting - including Randy of course, whose role called for him to move from a "proper" London accent as Tim and a spot -on Cockney accent as Stuart.
As was reported here and elsewhere, the script calls for Randy's actor character "Tim" to arrive for rehearsal wheeling a bicycle and dressed in a bike helmet and a bikers suit.
However, while he had the bike and the helmet, he wore baggy jeans and a tan Henley shirt.
But in the play being rehearsed, Tim (as Stuart the rent boy) stands on a chair with his back to the audience and drops his pants in anticipation of a sex act with "Auden" he then mimes dropping his shorts
Randy was wearing tight black boxer briefs. After the mimed sex act stops short of completion, he turned to face the audience providing a front view of the shorts.
Whenver he moved from Tim to Tim reheasing as Stuart, he donned a black leather jacket over the Henley.
When the play called for Tim to be waiting to the side of the rehearsal stage, he never broke character and "Tim"occupied himself by checking a cell phone or fiddling with an iPad
I had a nice conversation with him afterwards.
He once again shows that he can play a very wide range of roles

MORE on Randy and the play
Since the play is set in a rehearsal hall in the basement of London's National Theatre, The performance area of the Methany Theatre auditorium of The Studio Theatre was tricked out to look exactly like that.
The seating was stadium style arranged in three sections.
I was seated on the aisle in the first row on the left hand section (as it faced the stage)
They used the floor right in front of the first row for part of the was where the Stage Manager, playwright and Asst state Manager sat while observing and commenting on the rehearsal of the play.
A rehearsal stage was in front of them with furniture arranged to represent the setting of WH Auden's jumbled , messy cottage at Christ Church, Oxford where he was Poet in Residence
The "actors" in the play being rehearsed roamed the rehearsal stage and the floor area.
Randy has more stage time than I expected from reading the play, probably because he is onstage as either Tim or Stuart observing Fitz and Henry or Fitz and Henry when they are playing Auden and Britten.
His facial expressions and reactions at times are hilarious.
When Tim is off stage (ie: off the rehearsal stage) he is sitting on the floor,tucked away behind part of the rehearsal set. At times all I could see were his feet. Friends who were seated in the middle section with a better view told me Randy was doing what Tim would probably do while waiting to go on. Looking at the script pages, texting on his phone and playing with an iPAD.
I had a clear view of him as Tim when he was preparing for his cue to go onstage as Stuart. He would stand, stretch, don Stuart's black leather jacket, do facial exercises and some deep knee bends.
When Tim first arrives and wheels his bike into a storage room, he then re-emerges and does leg stretching exercises (bending each leg back at the knee and pulling his leg up higher toward his butt with one hand.) He was a couple feet from me when he did this.
His three scenes as Stuart in act one are superb. The interaction with Auden is quite funny. In act two Stuart takes on more importance since Neil the playwright argues for the restoration of the original ending of his play wherein Stuart represents Shakespeare's Caliban from"The Tempest".
Randy has some powerful lines as Stuart at this point.
Neil has advocated for Stuart to be naked as Caliban and Tim innocently asks as they read the restored lines:"Do I take all my clothes off here?" and starts to remove his jacket.
Kay the Stage Manager ( the superb Margaret Daly) says something like "We'll deal with that tomorrow" -
There were only a handful of empty seats, and one of the staff told me the matinee was sold out
The audience was very receptive. They got the jokes and laughed uproariously at some points.
It seemed to be a very theatre savvy audience.
作者: cora    时间: 2011-9-13 17:25

更新<Habit of Art>剧照
又见卷发Randy{:3_279:} 看那个平坦的小腹...是不是还有隐约的腹肌?XD
作者: freeonting    时间: 2011-9-13 18:46

作者: hpl    时间: 2011-9-13 20:34

我喜歡他的泡面頭 還有帥帥的皮衣 還有那個內心散發的自信{:3_272:}
作者: yanji8510    时间: 2011-9-13 21:00

作者: cora    时间: 2011-9-13 21:00

我喜歡他的泡面頭 還有帥帥的皮衣 還有那個內心散發的自信
hpl 发表于 2011-9-13 20:34

纯引用 不能同意再多{:3_272:}
作者: lulurana    时间: 2011-9-13 21:26

有新的作品了 替他高兴~~
作者: cora    时间: 2011-9-15 12:31

本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-9-15 14:24 编辑

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-15 19:40

predec2 : I have fourth-row tickets for the Saturday night, October 1 show - can't wait!
期待她的报告 !
作者: zdnlovebj    时间: 2011-9-16 14:14

作者: sandy_6836    时间: 2011-9-16 16:59

哈哈 卷发头 超级口耐。。。还是这款好
作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-9-16 19:46

作者: hpl    时间: 2011-9-16 20:19

合照時主角不是理所當然要站中間 怎麼反客為主了
既使Randy竉溺他 既使是男男朋友關係 基本的禮節還是要有的
作者: cora    时间: 2011-9-17 15:28

回复 41# hpl
作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-17 16:51

http://www.washingtoncitypaper.c ... t-reviewed-degrees/
作者: mayumichi    时间: 2011-9-17 21:07


作者: 猪事丁    时间: 2011-9-17 23:06

作者: chensilly    时间: 2011-9-20 20:36

作者: happy2011    时间: 2011-9-20 20:51




作者: RainieNg    时间: 2011-9-22 14:12

感觉宝贝是要从舞台回到屏幕上了 也从到处飞的小飞人变成起码不怎么出国境的小飞人了 这样很好
作者: freeonting    时间: 2011-9-22 18:06

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-24 19:52

本帖最后由 gulinara 于 2011-9-24 20:09 编辑

新的视频 The Habit of Art: Trailer ... ure=player_embedded

作者: 1305500241    时间: 2011-9-25 03:33


作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-9-25 06:06

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-25 15:35

新的报告!by Toto_too514
Habit of Art couldn’t be more different from Tommy if it tried! The fact that I enjoyed both equally well says a lot not only for the talented people involved, but it also says a great deal about Randy’s ability to take not only challenging roles, but diverse ones too!

I’m afraid a lot of what I have t say will be very similar to what my friend has already reported, as it turns out we were sitting on the same side of the stage and for a good portion of the time when “Tim” is off stage we could only see glimpses of Randy.

The theater is a nice size, holding just over 200 people, but it still felt “intimate,” as the folks at The Studio Theater had said! And there were only a scattering of empty seats. The set was just so visually appealing in its chaos. Arranged to show the haphazard and messy lifestyle of the poet Auden, it was wonderful in its detail. Record albums – yes, REAL albums – including Peter Grimes, Maurice Chevalier, and what I assume was Noel Coward peeking out from behind books, dishes, and discarded clothes… but it was also made to appear as a stage in progress for the play-within-a-play with small signs indicating where the “bath” and “sink” would be installed and spiral staircase that led to an upper portion where Britten plays his piano. Also, the mugs the binders the stage managers use, the chairs all have the “NT” for National Theater insignia. The attention to detail is wonderful.

Oh, and anther really great detail…instead of the traditional red EXIT sign seen over doors here in the US, a British green “running man”  sign is installed over the door where the actors enter and leave. That made me smile as on a trip to Ireland a few years back we took a silly photo imitating the running man by a door in a museum…

Anyway… the rehearsal theme is continually reinforced by the placing of both the stage manager’s and author’s tables in the area in front of the stage. The actors and “actors” use the space to move on and off stage as well.

Randy first appeared carrying a bicycle on his shoulder, wearing a grey Adidas sweat jacket w/ neon yellow stripes, grey sneakers, leather fingerless gloves, a racing helmet and he was carrying an orange backpack. When he came in, he was a bit flushed and looked like he really could have just biked to the theater... he even had a strip around his pants’ leg to keep it from getting snagged in a bicycle chain.

I really liked Randy as Tim… he definitely conveyed the uneasiness that Tim feels not only about his age – during one break Kate the stage manager asks him if he’s wearing makeup. He does a great blush and says something like, “just a little.” See he is 29, and still playing a young “rent boy.” LOL! But Tim is also a bit in awe of the veteran actors on stage I think. He was very sweet as he quietly asks if they would be doing the “sucking off” scene… whispering so the boy playing the choir boy doesn’t hear. Of course, the actor playing Fitz has no problem announcing it loud and clear… so then everyone asks, “Is Charlie OK?”

“Stuart” first appears wearing his leather jacket and looking rather tentative and asking for Mr. “Owden,” (His cockney accent was superb!) explaining that he was supposed to be there at “ten past.” But Auden isn’t there, just two people attempting to clean up the apartment. Stuart is worried and wants them to make sure Auden knows that he was there on time. Stuart wants to stay and wait, because he’s “got clients and schedules too,” so Randy plops in the nearest chair… but Boyle, the man cleaning the apartment won’t have it, because there are things and… typewriters in the apartment! LOL!

Stuart returns later but before he does, Henry who’s playing Britten, explains that rent boys were recognized by the little bags they carried for baby oil, towels, and other accessories. They hand Tim a mesh bag with what looked like a bottle of water, a sleeve of crackers and a pink bandana… so Stuart returns with his bag, anxious to repeat that he had been there on time.

While waiting he listens to Auden and his biographer discussing Robert Frost and then adds, “And Phillip Larkin.” They all turn to look at him confused asking is that Stuart? He sheepishly replies, “No. Sorry. Me.” explaining that they learned about Larkin in A-Level. It got a nice laugh from the audience, but this is important because it sets up part of the theme that we see later on, that as a rent boy, Stuart couldn’t  possibly be cultured enough to know that. Randy, as Tim looks sufficiently insulted.

Stuart doesn’t like the biographer Carpenter, and shows impatience by fidgeting on the stage. Finally he says outright that since Auden is too polite to ask him to leave, he will do it instead and essentially tells him to leave… gives Stuart a smug sense of self-importance.

He and Auden then get down to discussing their “business,” Stuart asking if he should take off his clothes, because “you might like it,” but Auden says it wastes too much time. Stuart is surprised that he’s not the one that has to do the “sucking off,” because you know it’s “Usually the other way ‘round.” Auden even asks how they should accomplish it and Stuart says he usually gets on his knees… but that won’t work for Auden.

This is where Randy climbs on the chair with his back to the audience and drops his jeans to reveal those lovely black boxer briefs! The scene now goes back to the rehearsal when the author interjects with a about why question they have Stuart dropping his pants as he feels the last scene with a completely naked Stuart will be more effective… Fitz complains about looking at Tim “listless, but I’m sure not uncomely genitalia.” To which Tim replies, he could do something about the listless part. The rather enthusiastic crowd really enjoyed these scenes.

The author of the play who has been watching the goings on once again interrupts the rehearsal to ask about how far the scenes are going, because he hadn’t written them this way. The stage manager once again gives her now stock response of, “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Watching Randy as Tim responding to these stoppages with a myriad of facial expressions is just delightful. The eye rolls, the puffed out cheeks, the head tilts, the confused eyebrows... He does so much with a character even when there isn’t much to do!

By now Auden has decided that it is too late for any kind of sucking, and he and Stuart have a talk about dicks… including how Stuart gets a better class of client working at the University than he does at the bus station and how many of his clients are uncircumcised. (There were more at the bus station than the University) and Stuart is amazed that one can have a civilized conversation about dicks!

After another stop for Carpenter the biographer to have a small hissy fit about his role in the play, once again watching Tim roll his eyes and shake his head at the antics was great. But when the dialogue resumes, we get our first indication of the human side of Stuart… that he resent s being called a rent boy, because it’s what he does, not who he is.

Stuart makes his exit for Act I as Britten leaves, stopping to ask Auden about his wrinkled face, (he has a condition called Touraine-Solente-Gole) saying that it makes him seem distinguished. Fitz has actually requested a mask be made in Auden’s likeness. It is probably one of the creepiest masks I have seen, great for Halloween! And all the other actors are gaping at it in disbelief.

At this point in the play we have the most continuous exchange between the characters Auden and Britten without going back to the inside play, although at one point Fitz falls asleep and the others, including Randy as Tim all come to the front of the stage to laugh.

Act II begins with Donald as Carpenter, still valiantly trying to get his character to have more impact by playing up the biographer’s other talents, struts on stage in a blond wig with an “up-do,” and long royal blue velvet evening gown playing Doris the Goddess of the wind on a small tuba! The entire cast is dumbfounded with mouths hanging open.

The rehearsal begins at the same point where Act I left off with a rather extensive exchange between Britten and Auden, where they discuss Britten’s new opera that he has come to Auden for help with… which means Randy is off stage as Tim. He sits quietly reading from what looks like an iPad, maybe sends a text, drinks from his water bottle, occasionally exchanging glances and smiles with the other actors who are going to and from the stage. He plays with his hair and in a very “Justin” move, absent mindedly bites on his thumbnail.

Carpenter reenters the action claiming that it’s because of his biography that these men are remembered. This leads to the discussion of the contributions of playwrights and composers vs. actors. At one point the stage manager mentions something “Alec did.” Tim asks, “Alec who?”NO one really answers him, but they do give him knowing looks and he shakes his head and goes, “Oh.” (They are referring to Alec Guinness)

Randy prepares for the transformation from Tim to Stuart by donning the leather jacket and doing some warm up stretches, knee bends and facial contortions… not all that unlike what I saw randy do before Margaret, A Tyger’s Heart.

When Stuart does return it is as Britten is preparing to leave… he says his next client told him that he should come back because Auden was a great man, so he is excited and animated and exclaims that he will have something to tell his grandchildren about. Auden says it depends on whether Stuart will have grandchildren.  Stuart responds, “Oh, yes. This is just a phase,” as he shrugs and waves his arms. But Auden continues and calls Stuart a rent boy, to which Stuart angrily demands that he not be called that. He goes on to describe his last client, a perfect English Gentleman, with books and “proper paintings, not prints,” and lamps and well, just picture a typical English study. Stuart can’t believe that the man told him to come back to Auden’s as he turns scans the apartment, asking rather incredulously about why he should comeback to this shit heap.

At this point Fitz questions the author about giving Stuart too much humanity… the cast and Randy groan at the delay, and Tim questions whether he was playing the scene incorrectly.

When the rehearsal resumes, Auden leaves the room and leaves Stuart and Britten together. Randy does a great job of making Stuart look uncomfortable talking with Britten… although he considers him tome more normal and “You don’t smell.”  It is here that Stuart addresses the audience for the first time explaining that things were much easier at the bus station, because there you didn’t have to talk.

There is a poignant scene where Carpenter asks what Stuart could offer to Britten, as most of the boys he was with had some sort musical talent. But he says all Stuart could offer is his dick.  Stuart replies rather despondently, “Don’t you think I know that?”

Britten leaves but the actor returns as Boyle the servant bringing Auden dinner which he offers to Stuart. It looked like a breaded chicken cutlet that he begins to eat while smugly waving his glass at Boyle for some wine. Boyle brings the bottle but pointedly does not pour Stuart a glass, instead Stuart pours it himself, filling it to the absolute brim. He offers Boyle a sarcastic, “Good night,” with a full mouth and a wicked smile on his face.

As Stuart eats Auden continues the conversation, questioning Stuart about his innocence to which he replies naively, “Innocent of what? I haven’t done anything.” When asked if he blamed anyone for his current situation, once again eying the apartment, Stuart wants to know if Auden does. He also wrinkles his nose as he looks around and complains that no one should stink. He then address the audience a second time stating that he wishes he had had the foresight to ask more question of these great men, as he now has come to know exactly who they were.

At this point Fitz as Auden argues that the play should end with Auden reciting one of his poems, but the author explains that this is where Stuart, as Caliban, needs to finish the play. As Fitz has interrupted yet again, the cast, now completely without patience, groans and huffs, moans at the stoppage. Randy turns away grabbing his head and then rubbing his face in frustration.

Stuart address the audience a third time, as Auden interrupts once more… leaving everyone just ready to give up, throwing their hands up  in complete frustration. When they finally agree that the scene should run, Tim asks, “Am I taking my clothes off?” Auden is annoyed, saying no one would look anywhere else, but even thought the author insists it must be done because that is the way Stuart as Caliban shows that , “This is all I have.” Kate once again says, “Tomorrow.”

Stuart then gives an amazing and touching monologue imploring to the great men in the room that he should “figure,” he should matter, even though he is only a rent boy. He wants to know what they know; bemoaning the fact that he “doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know.” He pleads to be allowed in, to be allowed to join.

Randy was so impassioned as he moved from man to man begging of them that he does matter and pleading to be counted… I choked up watching it. When they all turn their backs on him telling him they can’t help him, the looks of despair on Randy’s face brought me to tears. The play-within-the-play ends when Stuart leaves as Britten plays Show Me the Way to Go Home…

The actors then begin to pack up and leave, Tim stopping to ask Fitz if he will be alright and then inviting Henry to the pub. (This scene playing on the idea that as Britten, Henry was asking about taking Stuart as one of his boys.) Tim grabs his jacket and his helmet and bike and they head off.

The last scene belongs to Kate as she waxes poetic about actors and theaters and authors and slowly shuts the lights as she looks lovingly at the stage… because for all her frustration she really does love the theater and probably can’t wait until tomorrow.
作者: cora    时间: 2011-9-25 17:37

回复 51# 1305500241
回复 53# gulinara
作者: evil_49    时间: 2011-9-26 15:44

真的好喜欢宝贝的发色啊 ~~~~~~天生丽质  羡慕死了:s12
作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-9-26 23:27

作者: XXXXz    时间: 2011-9-30 09:53

作者: cora    时间: 2011-10-7 12:52

作者: 苏小寻猫    时间: 2011-10-7 16:02

作者: 鹤lyh    时间: 2011-10-7 20:00


....5555555555555555555555  我错了.... 我自拍
作者: sky1111    时间: 2011-10-7 21:01

這個捲捲頭  看起來好成熟
完全沒有小J 的味道  
Randy  真是演什麼像什麼

作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-10-7 22:57

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-10-8 02:37

作者: shirleypang    时间: 2011-10-13 16:07


作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-10-13 19:16

本帖最后由 gulinara 于 2011-10-13 20:35 编辑

有两个报告,我po的是第二个 ... ause-im-on-the-wifi ... -randolph-oh-my-god

UM ALL RIGHT I mean it will be paraphrased and it’s far from scintillating (which is why I didn’t bother with details before) but your wish is my command
random group of people standing about six feet from me while I sit in front of the men’s room, to Randolph after he emerges from the door to the beyond: You were really great.
Randolph: Thanks for coming out.
Me, internally: oh god it’s now or never oh no um no um okay
Me, aloud, after standing up and walking towards him: Hi, would you mind signing my program?
Randolph: Oh, sure.
Me (as I dig around in my backpack): Um I think I have a pen, um, somewhere.
(Randolph takes my program and pen, attempts to sign front)
Me: I really enjoyed your performance.
Randolph: Thank you. It’s not showing up… I’ll try the inside. (signs bottom of first page of program, hands it back to me)
Me: Thank you so much.
Then my friend Mark, who had emerged from the men’s room uncharacteristically quickly after realizing the actors were emerging from backstage, asked for a signature as well, and Randolph signed the guy’s forehead (the lead actor was on the front of the program) and then, since it still wasn’t showing up very well, signed the inside too for good measure. Meanwhile there was a guy with a giant envelope with Randolph’s name on it full of things that, as far as I could tell, had to do with the DC theater scene, waiting for Randolph’s full attention. Once he was done with the signing he started talking to that guy, and Mark and I lingered because Mark wanted to capture Randolph’s outfit. He literally took this first picture from four feet away and then backed up to get the head-to-toe ensemble. (Sorry the picture didn’t work the first time. It shows up for me but you and Chelsey both said you couldn’t see it, so I guess I did it wrong somehow.) (Also when Mark emailed me these the first one was captioned ‘Babyyyyyyy’ and the second ‘Babyyyyyy FULL BOD’ and I lol’d.)

he wore it on Saturday too, also with jeans but with a different shirt and different white-and-purple sneakers
oh and that guy by the stairs looking in our direction in the first pic waved to him before I approached him and he waved back and smiled and it was cute
anyway, so now I have this:

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-10-13 19:27

The Habit of Art加演一个星期至10月30日

作者: cora    时间: 2011-10-13 20:52

回复 65# gulinara
作者: hpl    时间: 2011-10-13 21:22

回复 65# gulinara
低頭看paper時的那一抺微笑 那麼純真自然舒服 讓人不由得喜愛{:3_246:}
作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-10-13 21:47

回复 67# cora

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-10-13 21:52

回复  gulinara
低頭看paper時的那一抺微笑 那麼純真自然舒服 讓人不由得喜愛
hpl 发表于 2011-10-13 21:22

作者: cora    时间: 2011-10-13 22:48

回复  gulinara
低頭看paper時的那一抺微笑 那麼純真自然舒服 讓人不由得喜愛
hpl 发表于 2011-10-13 21:22

是啊 像和煦温暖的阳光 让人感觉很舒服
作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-10-24 13:29

作者: cora    时间: 2011-10-28 15:19

本帖最后由 cora 于 2011-10-31 10:20 编辑

Fall Benefit 2011 for the Studio Theatre
Artistic Director and The Habit of Art Director, David Muse and The Habit of Art star Randy Harrison at the Fall Benefit 2011 for the Studio Theatre

来自The Studio Theatre – Facebook
作者: FoOl    时间: 2011-10-30 19:33


作者: 石井    时间: 2011-11-4 14:34

作者: freeonting    时间: 2011-11-6 14:40

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-11-10 17:57


作者: cora    时间: 2011-11-11 10:24

回复 77# gulinara
作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-11-11 12:28

回复 77# gulinara

作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-11-11 12:29

有没有宝贝最近新的动向啊 ?
作者: cora    时间: 2011-11-11 14:58

Randy接下来会回到Joe's Pub演出: ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: 土话叫哥哥    时间: 2011-12-21 11:03

作者: oyi1029    时间: 2011-12-21 12:46

作者: 爱上Bj    时间: 2012-2-2 22:05

作者: 清水湾    时间: 2013-1-12 16:28

这个舞台剧还有剧中剧,也就等于一人饰演俩个角色,好啊,宝贝这次的造型,美极了,小卷发,性感迷人。能看到的Fan photos 也都很甜很休闲,状态不错。
作者: lovekt1231    时间: 2013-1-12 19:12

作者: Akira    时间: 2017-2-16 16:09

Randy在the habit of art里的英音 我打7分吧 (凭着那个短短的video)
总觉得美音与英音有奇怪的反应 美国人很少有人可以说地道的英音 像Randy这样的 算是不错的 最高也就是8分的样子
反观英国人 很多可以说比较地道的美音 有些可以达到9分 最后一分 扣在角色设定的当地口音上(南部口音 北部口音 中西部口音)不过总体拿捏 比美国人好太多
世界真是奇妙 我又跑题了
作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-29 03:08

Randy在the habit of art里的英音 我打7分吧 (凭着那个短短的video)
总觉得美音与英音有奇怪的反应 美国 ...
Akira 发表于 2017-2-16 16:09

    They look like a couple.
作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-29 09:43

Randy在the habit of art里的英音 我打7分吧 (凭着那个短短的video)
总觉得美音与英音有奇怪的反应 美国 ...
Akira 发表于 2017-2-16 16:09

作者: Akira    时间: 2017-3-29 12:57

回复 87# iloveibt

作者: Akira    时间: 2017-3-29 12:58

回复 88# iloveibt

作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-29 13:00

回复  iloveibt

Akira 发表于 2017-3-29 12:57

作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-29 13:00

回复  iloveibt

Akira 发表于 2017-3-29 12:58

作者: Akira    时间: 2017-3-29 13:14

回复 91# iloveibt

你说Brian啊 还是第一张那个? Brian and Randy were in a relationship before... got spewed by fans all over the world/ place (I didn't mean to use that word)
Anyway, Brian is now divorced (I have no idea what happened), Randy is single (no clue either)... I think Brian is even more handsome now, haha. He is still cute and has a lot of pics concerning weird plants and animals. It never changed:)
作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-31 02:02

回复  iloveibt

你说Brian啊 还是第一张那个? Brian and Randy were in a relationship before... got ...
Akira 发表于 2017-3-29 13:14

作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-31 02:02

回复  iloveibt

Akira 发表于 2017-3-29 12:57

    You could imagine
作者: Akira    时间: 2017-3-31 15:09

回复 95# iloveibt
In fact, I can't...
作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-31 21:48

祝演出成功,加油r ...
lovekt1231 发表于 2013-1-12 19:12

作者: iloveibt    时间: 2017-3-31 21:49

habit of art
作者: Toothless    时间: 2017-6-13 19:06

作者: TeddyCarey    时间: 2017-8-15 07:43


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