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标题: [剧情讨论] Dan和Ron2010年接受采访谈QAF结局 [打印本页]

作者: amy18    时间: 2010-6-1 23:56     标题: Dan和Ron2010年接受采访谈QAF结局

本帖最后由 amy18 于 2011-5-27 13:20 编辑

Credits: BRI-TIN.COM
Made by: Rachael
Written by: Rachael
Thanks to: Dan and Ron
Edited by: Marcy
Queer as Folk, the groundbreaking, controversial show that took America by storm, has been over for years now, but for the fans who fell in love with the characters, and took away confidence from story lines that refused to dampen down their reality for anyone, the show, and indeed the characters, lives on.
When I first fell in love with the show, and even later, when I became a part of the fan community, contributing my words, commenting on others, and eventually running bjfic on Livejournal, I could never imagine myself sitting here today conducting an interview with Daniel Lipman, one half of the infamous CowLip, who wrote and co-produced the show, an adaptation of the previously aired British version, written by Doctor Who's Russell T. Davies.
当初我爱上这部剧,以及后来加入“fans”团,写自己的感想,对别人的问题发表意见,到后来开办自己的“bjfic”,我怎么都没想到今天我会有机会坐在这里采访Daniel Lipman。
It was one of those moments you can't prepare for. Quite literally, the opportunity to interview Dan fell into my lap. I met him through chance, and as soon as I realised who he was, I couldn't not pull out every single cheeky card I had in my arson and ask (in the nicest way possible) for an interview.
I don't think, looking back, I expected to get anything other than turned down, but not only was I shocked when I was granted permission, but I was lucky enough to have Ron get in on the act too, and offer his insight into the show that changed the very fabric of how America saw homosexuality.
Thinking on my feet, I hastily opened up questions to the fanfiction community I run: a place where fans who love the relationship of Brian and Justin can get together to share their creations about the pair. The response was overwhelming, and it took a lot of effort to prune literally hundreds of questions down into something manageable.
Armed with what I hoped were questions that would not only shed new light on old stories, but also give both Dan and Ron a chance to give voice to subjects they may not have spoken about so publicly before, I sat down to begin.
First impressions count. We all know that. The first impressions I received from both Dan and Ron were that these two warm, open men, truly cared about their creation, and both wanted to take pains, even now with the show over, the DVDs bought, the props packed up and sold on, to show that they put their hearts and souls into something they believed in.
Rachael: All writers imagine their characters living their lives long after they write “the end” - how do you see the characters in their futures, and in particular, will Brian and Justin remain a part of each others lives?
Dan: We felt that by the end of the series we had positioned all the characters on the right track for the future. We always thought the overriding concept of the show was "boys becoming men" -- and in Mel and Linz's case, "girls becoming women." So, by the conclusion of the final season, we felt that we had achieved our goal. Even though the show ended in the same place that it began – in Babylon -- the characters had all grown and become very different people.
Ron: The final scene is not in Brian's imagination – it is a flash forward, a few months later when Babylon has been rebuilt. And that his dancing does not indicate that he has reverted to being an ageing club boy. Michael coaxed him to join him for one last dance and to celebrate exactly what Michael's voiceover and the choice of music says: that despite the bombing, Prop 14, etc., "We will survive."
Ron:最后的那个场景并不是B想象中的,他是描述的几个月后Babylon重建后的事。他在那跳舞也不是说他又变回了那个超龄的club boy。M带B去跳了最后一支舞,这也正如M在旁白时说的那样,即使爆炸,即使是Prop 14或是其他的什么事,无论如何,我们还是会生存下来的。
Rachael: Personally, I think the way it ended was the only way it could have for Brian and Justin at that time, as well as reflecting Brian's interpretation of how relationships didn't have to be 'hetero' to be real. But on the whole, most of the people I speak to hate that Brian and Justin aren't together at the end. Some people are incredibly angry over it, which I suppose goes to show how passionately they feel about the characters. How do you feel about this, and can you explain why you chose to have them part at the end?
Dan: The controversy of the Brian/Justin story in the last episode has always puzzled us. Of course Brian and Justin will see each other again. New York is a brief commuter flight, less than 90 minutes, from Pittsburgh. Some fans seem to focus on that and not what their story is really about. Brian and Justin do not need to say vows to each other to cement their relationship. They're beyond rings (even though Brian sentimentally keeps them), ceremonies and receptions. Just like in their "Covenant" scene, when they declared their own guidelines for living with each other, they know that their relationship transcends rules that others may need. It was, in fact, based on a lyric by Richard Rogers from the title song of his last great musical NO STRINGS: "Let the little folks, who need the help, depend upon vows and such. We are much too tall." Justin going off to New York was a declaration of freedom and a final restatement of Brian's philosophy, that sacrificing who you are for the sake of another or demanding that they sacrifice who they are for you, is not love.
Dan:对于最后一集B和J的结局而引发的争议让我很费解。毫无疑问B和J会再见彼此的,从纽约到匹斯伯格只有短短90分钟的路程。一些fans好像对这一点耿耿于怀,而忽略了这个故事的内在。B和J并不需要用誓言来巩固他们的爱情。他们的爱情已经超越了婚戒(虽然B惆怅的还留着戒指)、婚礼和仪式。就像他们定”约定“那场戏一样(三点之前回家那),他们即使要同居也会按照自己的“规矩”来,他们的爱情是不会象异性情侣那样受繁冗的条条框框来约束。其实这个灵感还是来源于Richard Rogers的那首“no Strings”的歌词,歌词是“让那些无助的人们靠誓言来过活吧,我们不随波逐流。”J前往New York 正是他们不用爱牵绊彼此的最好证明,同时也再次切合了B的人生观,为了他改变自己,或为了自己让他改变,这都不是爱情。
Ron: And although Brian had once considered working in New York, that was before he had his own successful business. And you just don't start up a new ad agency in the most competitive market in the world -- not even Brian. As for Justin, the center of the art world in the States is New York. What young artist wouldn't want to be there?
Ron:虽然B以前想过去New York工作,但是那是在他没自己开公司之前,而且你知道谁都不会贸然的去一个世界上竞争最激烈的地方开公司,即使B也不会这样做。而对于J来说,纽约是全世界艺术的中心,哪个年轻的艺术家会不向往去那呢?Rachael: “It's only time,” Brian tells Justin, at the end of the show. It's become such an iconic phrase to the fans, but what does it mean to you, and what did you intend for it to mean from Brian to Justin?
Dan: Regarding Brian's "Its only time" speech: Brian didn't mean that he and Justin would never see each other again. He was merely implying that even if they DIDN'T see each other again they would still know that they were bonded forever. That's what their story was always about. An unlikely romance, an unconventional romance, but a great romance that would embrace them for a lifetime.
Ron: The idea for the speech came from a Shakespeare sonnet we all read in high school --#116. "Love's not Time's fool"...."Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom."
Rachael: That's one of my favourite poems of all time!
Rachael: Are you surprised by how much the show and characters have impacted people, both positively and negatively, all this time after the show has ended? There's still a massive fan community that tries to remain active.
Dan: We are thrilled that QAF continues to engage and enrage. We are deeply appreciative for the fans around the world who watch and re-watch the show. And how lucky we are to have the DVD's! QAF is a very singular show. We all knew it at the time. Many people said that we opened a door for more gay drama. But we realized that there would never be another QAF. QAF was designed to shake people up, get them talking. We tried to show the truth, blemishes and all -- at least that was always our mission as writers. However, telling the truth and political correctness do not always intersect.
Rachael: Very true. Speaking of political correctness, in an interview, Randy was once quoted as saying he felt that Justin was in an abusive relationship with Brian. What's your take on that?
Dan: Brian may have been abusive at times. But that was one of the glories of writing a series for pay cable. It allowed us to create characters who didn't always have to be good or noble, or justify their actions according to broadcast network standards. Our characters could be flawed -- in other words, human. In accordance with our concept of boys becoming men, Brian was still growing up, trying to find his way through this labyrinth of a relationship that he never thought he'd ever have, yet was compelled by, dealing with someone who was tugging at his heart and who wouldn't give up on him and go away. But by the end of the series, I think he had moved beyond his conflicts and inner demons.
Rachael: Some of my favourite moments involved characters dealing with their inner demons. One of my favourite arcs in the show was the season four Justin Pink Posse arc; I felt it was very true to his character, and showed a positive evolution following a realistic reaction to the bashing. However, many fans I've spoken to hate the arc, and feel it's out of character. Can you explain your thoughts behind your ideas for this?
Dan: We're a bit baffled by the criticism of the Pink Posse arc, as well. This wasn't something that we made up out of our imaginations. We always did our research and there actually was such a vigilante group. (Just like the Fairy Gathering that Michael and Emmett attended -- that exists. And those "bug chasers" are real, too.) Perhaps people became uncomfortable by our portraying Justin as being aggressive and vindictive. But, once again, we were not constrained by any network standards.
Ron: After Shanda Leer's brutal attack, which mirrored Justin's own, and Chris Hobbes telling him that he hoped he would get AIDS and die, we felt it was justifiable for Justin's suppressed rage to emerge. The real point of the story, of course, is how long do you turn the other cheek and how far do you go when you stop turning it? One of my favorite speeches, along with Ted's "God loves you just the way you are" speech to Emmett, is Cody's speech at the Gay and Lesbian Center.
Ron:在Shanda被打事件发生后(就是那个唱歌的还会做饭的那个),J被触动了。Chris Hobbes说希望他得艾滋病死掉。所以我们认为J将压抑的愤怒发泄出来是合情合理的。当然,这段情节的真正用意是:如果别人打你左脸后,你再伸出右脸,你能这样伸出多少次,你到底能坚持多久。我最喜欢的言论除了Ted对Emme说的“上帝爱的就是真正的你”,以及Cody在同性恋中心说的那番话。(我还真忘了他说的是什么,一会看看去)
Dan: Mine, too, by the way!
Rachael: “No apologies, no regrets” was Brian's tag line - is there anything you regret about the show, or wish you had done differently? If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be and why?
Dan: I honestly have "No apologies, no regrets" when it comes to anything we did on the show. And we'll always be grateful to Showtime for allowing us to tell the stories that we wanted to tell and to explore the territories that we wanted to explore. However, I do have one regret that still haunts me. It's when Michael returns to the Q-Mart and his nemesis, Andrew, forces him to dress up like a clown. I saw the dailies of that and slapped my head with a revelation: Michael should have been dressed like a Big Q! I even tried to re-shoot it, but couldn't justify spending the money for it.
Dan:要是说这部剧,我真可以说“no apologies, no regrets”,而且,我们会一直感激showtime让我们有机会讲我们想要讲的故事,允许我们大胆的创作。但是,我还真有一个挥之不去的遗憾。就是当M返回Q-Mart时,他的克星Andrew强迫他穿小丑的服装,我看样片时忽然惊醒的拍了一下头,M应该穿的象Big Q才对啊,我甚至想重拍,但是怎么也找不到再次破费的有力理由啊。
Rachael: My favorite non-main characters are Brandon, Ethan, and Cody, contrary to popular opinion. Which are yours?
Dan: I really don't have a favorite secondary character. I liked them all. We really tried to write them, cast them and give them the same kind of attention that we did the lead cast.The same goes for the story arcs. I enjoyed working on all of them for different reasons. Stories were designed to compliment and interweave with each other -- trying to keep the audience off-guard by switching from something humorous to something with dramatic impact. Although I suppose the most memorable for me off the top of my head would have to be the "See The Light" thread, the George and Emmett romance and Vic's passing. I also liked when stories ( and characters) would surprise us. Like Ted and Emmett's pairing. It took us into dark places we never suspected when we first conceived it.
对于剧情也一样,我每一段都很喜欢。各式各样的原因吧,我享受和他们每个人在一起共事的时光。其实一个故事无非是想让参与者能产生交集并互补,观众能在放松的状态下从诙谐中体会到剧情产生的涟漪。但还是有几处剧情让我难以忘怀的,有“see the light”那段,George和Emme交往那段,还有就是Vic去世那段。我很喜欢剧情或角色能带来惊喜,就像Ted和Emme俩人交往那段,当我们起初构思这段剧情时,从没想过会这么发展下去。

Rachael: Can you give me any new anecdotes about any of the actors during filming? Did they play a lot of pranks?:
Dan: We didn't have a prank-playing cast. But you can find some goofs on our seasonal gag reels which, I believe, are offered as bonuses on the DVDs.

Rachael: Finally, there has been a lot of talk about disagreements between specific cast members, and you and Ron, which are rumoured to have soured the last couple of seasons. Hal Sparks has said in an interview that neither he, nor CowLip would work with Gale or Randy again. Can you provide any insight, and which, if any, of the cast do you keep in touch with now?

Dan: As for Hal's remark, I don't know where, when or in what context that was said. But I can assure you that there was nothing sour about our relationship with anyone in the cast. We all had our moments, no doubt, living and working under constant pressure. But as with any family, you may argue at times or have a disagreement and then you make up. The important thing is that we all had enormous respect and affection for one another, which continues to this day. Everyone in our cast is extraordinary – as human beings as well as courageous actors. Just remember, not many people would put themselves on the line the way our cast did – doing what their parts required of them – AND leave their homes and friends to live and work in another country for five seasons. Doing a series is very hard work with long, gruelling hours. It requires a lot of sacrifice. But I've never seen a group of people so connected to each other. And they still are. We don't see everyone as much as we'd like -- but that's the nature of any project in our line of work. For a brief moment in time, you become a family. And then you move on. Still, we keep in touch and we will always share a bond -- like Brian and Justin -- that transcends time and place. QAF -- a journey and an experience like no other.
So there you have it. Never in a million years did I expect to have such an opportunity, especially when my experience in interviewing is next to none, but I suppose if there is one thing the show taught me above all else, it was that time is fleeting, and we only have one life: when a golden opportunity presents itself, grab it with both hands. Don't allow yourself any room to dwell on the 'what-if?'.
作者: sandy_6836    时间: 2010-6-2 00:31

作者: 苜蓿贝壳    时间: 2010-6-2 00:42

作者: wyman078100    时间: 2010-6-2 01:17

作者: leewon    时间: 2010-6-2 13:27

作者: feihawk    时间: 2010-6-2 14:52

作者: xyw8221    时间: 2010-6-2 15:16


作者: cureless    时间: 2010-6-3 12:02

作者: jojo5689    时间: 2010-6-3 12:24

作者: lianalai    时间: 2010-6-3 15:58

作者: Perseverance    时间: 2010-6-6 11:22

作者: SUPERMAS    时间: 2010-6-6 12:47

能看到ron&dan引用 love's not time's fool……感觉很释怀啊
作者: 橙道士    时间: 2010-6-6 12:53

5年 5季 大家enjoy就好
作者: hpl    时间: 2010-6-6 13:28



作者: 拖鞋    时间: 2010-6-6 14:45

作者: julie_hsu    时间: 2010-6-6 15:36

it' really a wonderful interview, hardly to believe that writer's "experience in interviewing is next to none".

P.S. I love Cody's speech at CLC very much as well.
作者: 鱼雷雷    时间: 2010-6-7 20:39

作者: sandy_6836    时间: 2010-6-9 12:10

拖鞋 发表于 2010-6-6 14:45

为何要感谢字幕组 而不是直接感谢Amy的辛苦翻译?
作者: 酷女笨笨    时间: 2010-6-9 20:45

作者: hikaru630203    时间: 2010-6-10 00:58

作者: parkmimi    时间: 2010-7-10 16:33


作者: fanniexiang    时间: 2010-7-11 19:19

作者: 石井    时间: 2010-7-11 22:18

作者: 84808927    时间: 2010-7-13 10:41

作者: kongyishise    时间: 2010-7-15 20:59

作者: vc86    时间: 2010-7-18 01:02

作者: 枭之城    时间: 2010-7-18 01:47

就是这句——“a great romance that would embrace them for a lifetime.”
作者: duotian    时间: 2010-7-18 13:01

作者: zhi324    时间: 2010-7-19 17:07

25# kongyishise

作者: sanghuili521    时间: 2010-7-19 18:08

作者: Tiny357    时间: 2010-7-19 19:53

作者: yhdsz    时间: 2010-7-21 14:27

作者: hachii    时间: 2010-7-24 09:35

感谢翻译啊 感谢这么一部精彩的剧集
作者: ashine0712    时间: 2010-7-24 11:09

作者: 雨晨作品    时间: 2010-8-12 22:15

作者: 在我心中    时间: 2010-10-22 23:04

作者: 在我心中    时间: 2010-10-22 23:05

作者: cocotiti    时间: 2010-10-26 00:38

作者: pie231    时间: 2010-10-26 12:10


作者: 克薇安西亚    时间: 2010-11-12 01:54

作者: joga    时间: 2010-11-12 09:39

真好  。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
作者: diabi    时间: 2010-11-15 17:53

作者: zihananliang    时间: 2010-12-4 13:38

回复 30# sanghuili521

作者: berilen    时间: 2010-12-6 23:16

作者: 靓靓    时间: 2010-12-22 21:28

作者: 不二周桃    时间: 2010-12-25 18:30

释怀了 哎
作者: 49280033    时间: 2010-12-26 22:22

啊 友爱啊  好喜欢他们~~~~~~~
作者: 远望    时间: 2010-12-27 12:32

我想很多人都会为了这篇专访而释怀的 很喜欢
作者: aaaach    时间: 2010-12-28 06:56

哎好还念呀 看QAF的时候 我还是个初中生呢 那么久了
作者: 齐鲁风    时间: 2010-12-29 23:49

作者: forgetislong    时间: 2010-12-30 10:07

作者: forgetislong    时间: 2010-12-30 10:08

作者: lili2010    时间: 2010-12-31 21:45

作者: harriet_gz    时间: 2011-1-6 09:42

作者: sirius666    时间: 2011-1-7 17:14

我不是很喜欢hal说的关于randy 和gale的话。。。这俩位能澄清一下真是太好了
作者: s65735737    时间: 2011-1-8 19:09

如果能繼續拍  就很好了!! 大家都很期待~
作者: zuoxi    时间: 2011-1-28 02:18

作者: cxlfww123    时间: 2011-3-1 18:33

作者: 大爷    时间: 2011-3-2 13:39

作者: iiisssgg    时间: 2011-3-10 22:18

作者: 1305500241    时间: 2011-3-12 19:27

作者: J_J_7    时间: 2011-3-29 23:47

作者: reneehtt    时间: 2011-4-7 22:11

Love's not Time's fool"...."Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom."
相信Brian and Justin终究会明白,牺牲不是因为爱,而是因为它本是爱的一部分。
作者: 真爱真情    时间: 2011-5-4 20:34

作者: laolisi    时间: 2011-5-7 17:39

作者: 3minutes    时间: 2011-5-11 23:03

感觉同所有LS的~~欧新来的。刚看的QAF,到现在还没缓过神来,熬了几个夜连续看的。看到最后,真是哭死了....就因为他们没在一起。大爱B,还是希望能拍个电影什么的。当然,还是灰常灰常的感觉LZ的翻译,看了剧情解释,感觉好多了...否则我要低迷一段时间了....5555,可怜的Brian~~~I LOVE YOU!!!
作者: samantha    时间: 2011-5-18 21:13

作者: blue_c    时间: 2011-5-19 16:53

Let the little folks, who need the help, depend upon vows and such. We are much too tall。
作者: kame倩    时间: 2011-6-8 17:18

而且 这个采访着真的很Lucy 和很 能干呢
这2人说的很好 很喜欢最后对结局的解释呢
作者: 秋深枫红    时间: 2011-6-15 13:29

作者: 加伊    时间: 2011-6-19 17:59

作者: zopiclone    时间: 2011-7-9 23:42

作者: 超爱BJ    时间: 2011-7-18 11:57

作者: 超爱BJ    时间: 2011-7-18 11:57

以后将会一直喜欢下去,这部剧还有所有演员,感谢 RON和DON
作者: q19940715    时间: 2011-8-1 17:55

回复 1# amy18

作者: carol299    时间: 2011-8-2 12:40

作者: 感觉至上    时间: 2011-8-2 17:37

作者: sunnywym    时间: 2011-8-2 18:26

作者: sandracy    时间: 2011-8-3 03:31

作者: 夏ffv    时间: 2011-8-3 20:36

cool ~
作者: bjbamboo    时间: 2011-8-4 21:59

作者: revengekk    时间: 2011-11-29 00:38

作者: josephine728    时间: 2011-11-29 01:32

作者: doubleone    时间: 2011-12-3 21:34

作者: 随笔    时间: 2011-12-5 19:56

作者: mammoth    时间: 2011-12-9 14:22

作者: 爱上Bj    时间: 2012-1-28 17:09

作者: chan17chan    时间: 2012-1-28 23:58

哇喔~~~很高興看到做此劇的作者們對於B和J的愛情故事是支持而且不覺得他們會就這樣分開(雖然其實我也才看到第二季而已 這樣又有信心看下去^^) 即便QAF表面上結束了 Brian和Justin的故事會一直going on
作者: 稀空    时间: 2012-1-29 00:23

作者: FIGO469    时间: 2012-1-29 02:06

作者: saiyoki    时间: 2012-1-29 02:16

作者: ufoofu128    时间: 2012-2-9 21:21

作者: tsaox    时间: 2012-2-12 15:37

作者: 晨曦周而复始    时间: 2012-2-16 15:32

作者: 丹青家的小布熊    时间: 2012-3-25 20:16

I have to confess that reading this is really a great relief to me cos I also feel bad about the ending, thinking that what Justin did was a "betrayal" to their love, that Justin just left Brian behind. And 5 seasons to me is obviously not enough. I always feel that there should be something more. Maybe it's this feeling that makes QAF so special in my heart, that I will never forget it.
Thank you so much for the translation!
作者: areyouready    时间: 2012-4-16 11:28

回复 1# amy18

作者: TWSMO    时间: 2012-4-17 20:50

作者: Claire1989    时间: 2012-4-20 15:43

作者: why513288311    时间: 2012-4-21 10:18     标题: 标题

回复 1# amy18
作者: sunshine911520    时间: 2012-4-23 11:22


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