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标题: [Gale] 1月14日Gale在南加州公共广播电台的访问音频(20楼更新访问字幕) [打印本页]

作者: dormouse    时间: 2010-1-16 09:13     标题: 1月14日Gale在南加州公共广播电台的访问音频(20楼更新访问字幕)

本帖最后由 dormouse 于 2010-1-17 02:43 编辑

这段访问是个音频,强烈推荐大家去听听,里面有Gale的笑声,Gale说他以前在亚特兰大的时候开过卖冰淇淋的车(ice cream truck),就是电影里面常有的那种,游乐场有个冰淇淋车,好多小朋友买冰淇淋吃。。。哈哈,太可爱了~~~

点击下面这个链接,就能看到音频, 英文字幕在20楼 ... orpheus-descending/

下载链接: ... eus_Descending.html

Gale Harold in Tennessee Williams' "Orpheus Descending"

Tennessee Williams' play "Orpheus Descending" is a retelling of the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus set in a small southern town in the 1950s. This week, a production of the play starring Gale Harold opens up at Theatre/Theater in Los Angeles.

Harold, known for his performance in the role of Brian on Showtime's "Queer as Folk," plays the lead role of Val Xavier. Val is a guitar playing drifter, who meets Lady Torrance (Denise Crosby), a shopkeeper. Both are looking for a chance to make change in their lives. "They find out that they come from the same place spiritually and emotionally," Harold says.

In the show, Harold sings and plays guitar, something he confesses makes him a bit nervous to do onstage. But for Val, music is a real passion, Harold says. "It's all that he lives for... but just to survive, he's come up with some interesting ways to get paid that wasn't just singing and playing."

To find out what Harold means by that, you can check out "Orpheus Descending" at Theatre/Theater. The show runs through February 21st.

And if you'd like to hear how growing up in the South helped Harold prepare for the role and the oddest non-acting job he's ever worked, listen to his interview with KPCC's Alex Cohen.

原来是这个访问中提到Gale会要在舞台剧 "Orpheus Descending" 里sings and plays guitar
作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-16 12:26

拿着个吉他 怎样也要唱两句 赫赫{:3_217:}
作者: missprissy    时间: 2010-1-16 12:46

作者: dormouse    时间: 2010-1-16 13:29


里面Gale说他以前在亚特兰大的时候开过卖冰淇淋的车(ice cream truck),就是电影里面常有的那种,游乐场有个冰淇淋车,好多小朋友买冰淇淋吃。。。哈哈,太可爱了~~~
作者: 嘉样年华    时间: 2010-1-16 14:28

作者: uchi包包    时间: 2010-1-16 14:37

他去卖冰激凌的话 胆子小的小朋友大概想吃都不敢去买吧XDDD
最后剩下的都是小受和思春的女人们围观 哈哈哈
作者: Cigar    时间: 2010-1-16 15:06

sings and plays guitar,现在流行吉他男~Showtime,比起here 我更喜欢这个强大的电台,QAF,The L World~
作者: dormouse    时间: 2010-1-16 15:10

sings and plays guitar,现在流行吉他男~Showtime,比起here 我更喜欢这个强大的电台,QAF,The L World~
Cigar 发表于 2010-1-16 15:06

作者: Ryanlochte    时间: 2010-1-16 15:13

作者: CANG2010    时间: 2010-1-16 16:15

作者: waterncolor    时间: 2010-1-16 17:44

天 听见大叔的声音差点哭了。。
作者: 922    时间: 2010-1-16 18:29

作者: 我爱Gale    时间: 2010-1-16 19:06

GALE 的 声音:s14
他 出现在我的18岁,看来我 无力摆脱他了
作者: 我爱Gale    时间: 2010-1-16 19:09

上帝啊 ,他的笑声。。。。。。我的 心
作者: 922    时间: 2010-1-16 19:17

作者: lucas41ive    时间: 2010-1-16 19:42

GALE 的 声音:s14
他 出现在我的18岁,看来我 无力摆脱他了
我爱Gale 发表于 2010-1-16 19:06




作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-16 20:25

有粉丝数过这段录音里面Gale一共说了20次you know, 大家数到了么
作者: hpl    时间: 2010-1-16 21:41

他去卖冰激凌的话 胆子小的小朋友大概想吃都不敢去买吧XDDD
uchi包包 发表于 2010-1-16 14:37


作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-16 21:55

18# hpl

作者: dormouse    时间: 2010-1-16 22:16


Ctrl+F了一下,真的是20个“you know”{:3_235:}


GALE: He's a bit of a hustler -- in the best and the worst sense of the word -- and he's trying to, um, change. He gets waylaid in this town and, uh, he meets this woman, uh, lady, who owns this mercantile store, Lady Torrance. And they have some things in common that they discover during the play, when they find out that, uh, they kinda come from the same place, spiritually, I think, emotionally.

KPCC: Right now when you said he's trying to change, you winced a little bit when you said that. Do you know what that's about in that character?

GALE: I'm thinking about him, uh, me and him. He says to Lady this first night he meets her, he says, um, "Through with the life I've been leading. I've lived in the corruption, but I'm not corrupted. And this why my life's companion i- uh, my guitar, it washes me clean like water after anything unclean has touched me." And I think that he really... he loves music and it's all that he lives for. But just to survive and just because he's on his own, he's had to come up with some interesting ways to get paid, you know, that's not just playing and singing. [laughs]

KPCC: This is not one of Tennesse Williams' better known plays, and as I understand it, he worked on Orpheus Descending for something like 17 years. What about this play do you think required that much work and what about it appeals to you?

GALE: Well, it originated as Battle of Angels, I believe, which was, went down very early and he, uh, had a really... it was tough, very tough for him. And he actually says in his own words that he never stopped working on this play, ever. Because it kept growing and changing, and I think it was such an ambitious thing to try an, you know, an ad-- if you would even call it an adapt- an adaptation - of this Greek myth that's so, you know, kinda staggering and important and difficult to think about adapting that into the late '50s and the American South. So there's so many subtextural things going on, I think that the fascinating thing about it is that it is happening in the '50s in the Mississippi, but it's about this much bigger, you know, kind of eternal idea about, you know, making art and, uh, being free and, uh, it's very pre-Christian, you know. There's not these judgments about morality and I think that might've been a good thing for him to see to kind of idealize because he was really-- he struggled, you know, a lot, not being able to be free and, um. So and I think, you know, it's kind of, when you put that up in the '50s, in the '60s, in the United States at the time, it's kinda hard to tell that story without people being either very confused, 'cause it's difficult to put it up, you know. It's difficult to make it an honest, truthful, simple performance about rural America at the time, but knowing [laugh] the myth that you're up against, right, or that you're working with. So I think it's just daunting and I think it can be very possibly confusing and probably very difficult to bring out all the, you know, the latent ideas that are in it -- the racism, the sexuality, the... the American ideal, you know. It's tough. It's-- He was going for pretty much all the icons, you know, and he pulled them all down, which is beautiful. And he put 'em back up in a great way, so.

KPCC: Actors are supposed to be able to channel into any role despite whatever their actual real biographical background might be, but you're actually from the South. Do you think that helps you tap into the understanding of Tennessee Williams in a different way?

GALE: I-I'm not sure how... it... does on the real deep level that I'm still trying to find yet -- I mean, I haven't found that yet -- but I think, cadence-wise, the rhythm of his dialogue, the different, um, rhythms between the different characters, um, some of it is very country and very rural, some of it's, um, more Metropolitan, if that's the word. There-- You know, you've got a girl that would've grew up on a plantation who's very wealthy, you have some very poor people, and you've got some very dangerous people in this play. And then you have, you know, Uncle Pleasant, who is in a whole other level. And then my character, because he's from the Bayou and ended up in New Orlean, he has his own dialect -- they call him a "peculiar talker" -- he talks a little backwards, almost like a French-Italian kind of mélange; you know, like the verbs and the nouns are put out of place. Like when you hear-- when you translate something from Spanish or Italian, it's like, "Wow, how--", you know. So it's-- I mean, for me, right now, that's the thing that I really have some grip on, is like, hearing that. I fall into that very easily, even though I don't really understand what I'm saying, I think we're all discovering, "What am I saying tonight?", you know? I just f-- realized that these people are all speaking to each other in almost, um, like a chamber or like an orchestral kind of way and it's so beautiful and it's very hypnotic to even just say it, you know? So, maybe that?

KPCC: Gale Harold, I understand that before you got into acting you had a number of other jobs -- interesting jobs -- according to Wikipedia, at least--

GALE: *snortlaugh*

KPCC: --you were once a Ducati motorcycle mechanic, is that correct?

GALE: No. I have worked on Ducatis and I have ridden them avidly, but I worked primarily on Moto Gucci, another Italian, and--

KPCC: But you were a motorcycle mechanic?

GALE: I was not a mechanic, I was a... amateur restorer and I did work in shops and sold parts and helped people. But it was, that was more of, as a functionary role. I love motorcycles and have for a long time and at one time I did try to do that professionally as a way to just survive financially in an interesting way. Cos I was running outta money and, um, seemed like a good idea. That's that story.

KPCC: Lesson learned. Never trust Wikipedia. What has been the most interesting non-acting job that you've ever worked?

GALE: Uuuuuuum... I used to drive an ice-cream truck when I lived in Atlanta. And, uh, I remember one day when I was doing that, listening to... you know, I've got the ice cream music and then I had my little, uh, beatbox in there that I was listening to, and I was, uh, very dirty and smelly and sweaty and had pretty long hair and ssssome little kid said something about, um, Guns & Roses [laughs].. and it was like, "Does this kid think maybe I'm in Guns & Roses or something..." And he just wanted a Bomb Pop, a three-stage, so... I gave it to him. And he dropped it on the ground. And it exploded, just like a bomb does. [laughs]

KPCC: What's next for you, after Orpheus Descending?

GALE: I don't know right now. I don't know. Um. We shall see. I mean, I'm really just, you know, nervous and excited and terrified right now, until we get up and get going. So I don't know, I don't know.

KPCC: Gale Harold appears in Orpheus Descending at Theater/Theatre. Thank you very much.

GALE: Thank you!
作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-16 22:24

作者: 最爱BG    时间: 2010-1-16 22:55

作者: 最爱BG    时间: 2010-1-16 22:59

大叔有访问恐惧症之类的,紧张加习惯啦,以前访问的也是很多YOU KNOW啦,嘿嘿,想想大叔紧张的样子爆可啦
作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-16 23:05

4# dormouse
Lesson learned. Never trust wiki! 哈哈 他一听到wiki就笑了
作者: hpl    时间: 2010-1-16 23:24

ha ha 最後一句Thank you!{:3_231:}聲音好花俏喔
作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-16 23:29

25# hpl
同感!!就是终于松一口气的感觉 XD
最后那句I don't know right now. 也说得很有大风特色 :PP
作者: dormouse    时间: 2010-1-16 23:32

4# dormouse
Lesson learned. Never trust wiki! 哈哈 他一听到wiki就笑了
cora 发表于 2010-1-16 23:05

Wiki已经改成了"motorcycle technician"
作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-16 23:50

27# dormouse
嗯 英文也可以很神奇
他可不可以再回应下 比如他和大学教授之间有啥creative difference {:3_253:}
作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-17 00:18

经过一次又一次重听花痴之后,我发现那个回应mechanic的最后一句,可能是Sad story? 然后Moto Gucci应该是Moto Guzzi?因为Gale在QAF里面发过几次Gucci的音,而在这个采访里面发音是明显不同?

one fine day of Gale goodness, amen{:3_275:}
作者: dormouse    时间: 2010-1-17 00:23

经过一次又一次重听花痴之后,我发现那个回应mechanic的最后一句,可能是Sad story? 然后Moto Gucci应该是Moto Guzzi?因为Gale在QAF里面发过几次Gucci的音,而在这个采访里面发音是明显不同?

one fine day of Gal ...
cora 发表于 2010-1-17 00:18

cora太厉害了,google了下,真的应该是Moto Guzzi。。。

作者: 懂懂某人    时间: 2010-1-17 00:40

作者: 贵之水    时间: 2010-1-17 00:54

作者: 贵之水    时间: 2010-1-17 01:15

作者: jacky123456    时间: 2010-1-17 02:33

作者: wazswazsw    时间: 2010-1-17 03:02

jacky123456 发表于 2010-1-17 02:33

作者: andrea1014    时间: 2010-1-17 04:41

他聽到WIKIPEDIA真的笑了 (偷笑

最後的THANK YOU 好可愛愛

難以想像他曾經是icecream truck driver
作者: fai_light    时间: 2010-1-17 09:27

謝謝樓主的貢獻 至少讓我對 Gale 能認識多一點喔
作者: 花子    时间: 2010-1-17 09:59

作者: cora    时间: 2010-1-17 10:11

dormouse 发表于 2010-1-17 00:23

嗯 我也非常喜欢他这种态度! 能够多了解他生活的这一面,就像吸取到正能量一样{:3_275:}
作者: Jonnie    时间: 2010-1-17 10:12

作者: vania    时间: 2010-1-17 11:44

好好啊 能听到gale的声音 好久都没他的消息了 突然间能听到他的声音好感动啊
作者: lfjiao33    时间: 2010-1-17 11:55

作者: Ryanlochte    时间: 2010-1-17 14:16

能听到他的声音真好,他的声音大多时候很能磁性,有底蕴,偶尔有个沙音,我想是因为他抽烟太多的缘故,如果将来他娶了哪位,一定要拜托那位好好管管他少抽烟,永远保持俊美健康开朗的容貌给我们……还有,他最后那句Thank you好俏皮呀,感觉他的心情超好。
作者: binnie    时间: 2010-1-17 14:31

作者: lfjiao33    时间: 2010-1-30 08:18

作者: venusyunzai    时间: 2010-1-30 09:59

作者: pan    时间: 2010-2-3 03:00

哎 听到他的声音真好 他笑时我都想跟着一起笑

不过 您平时能不能不如你这么津津乐道的那样不修边幅。。
作者: 真爱永恒    时间: 2010-2-3 17:33

作者: anazgul    时间: 2010-2-3 17:45

作者: Z-Christmas    时间: 2010-2-27 19:16

1# dormouse
作者: 爱舍雷轩    时间: 2010-5-16 09:53

作者: 喵喵熊    时间: 2010-6-2 17:10

我喜欢啊,(~ o ~)~zZ
作者: jinsduck    时间: 2010-8-17 22:59

作者: bsb007pop    时间: 2010-9-13 19:38

作者: 9802042    时间: 2010-9-21 22:17

作者: 大米Emily    时间: 2010-9-27 18:35

作者: leslielue    时间: 2010-12-13 23:37

Gale真的很完美 包括他的聲音:s38
作者: 1305500241    时间: 2011-3-12 20:31

谢谢 楼主的贡献
作者: J_J_7    时间: 2011-3-29 22:42

作者: 许逸candy    时间: 2011-4-5 19:08

作者: gulinara    时间: 2011-8-23 18:18

谢谢 楼主
作者: feidemengxiang    时间: 2013-1-6 09:25

回复 7# Cigar

作者: 阳光男孩    时间: 2014-11-20 12:43

回复 17# cora

作者: gscoca    时间: 2015-9-16 16:25

作者: 378dfo    时间: 2015-9-26 10:44

作者: qqjay0226    时间: 2015-9-26 11:18


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